P. 68

ANNEX F: Vysnova Training Program

                                                          Introduction of Vysnova's expense report and the Purchase Requisition form.  The course will go over
                                                          how to fill out an expense report and costs that an employee has incurred and what prior approval is
                                                          needed prior to the expense of a purchase.  In addition, the course will go over the purchase
                                                          requisition, what needs to be done prior to starting the form and how to fill out the form as well as
                  Expense Reports & PR                    acceptable payment methods.
                                                          Module 1 will provide an understanding of the Vysnova contractual request process. The principles and
                                                          essentials of developing a complete CRF will be provided in conjunction with application of research
                                                          look ups. Module 2 will consist of a survey and integration of all Vysnova contracts and supporting
                                                          documents. Topics include the Repository structure, naming convention for easy searching, and
                  Foundational Contracts Practices        expected quarterly collaboration with program staff for updates
                                                          This course provides a high-level overview into the world of government contracting, including topics
                  Government Contracting for Dummies      such as: Winning Business, Compliance, Reporting, and Analytics.
                  How to create and check an IT Service   This training is to make sure It support will be provided on a timely manner to your request by following
                  Request                                 the correct procedure
                                                          This course teaches staff to recognize and avoid phishing emails as well as what to do when a phishing
                  How to Stop and Avoid Phishing Emails   email is received.
                  Information Security and Cybersecurity   This course reviews the basics of information and cybersecurity and gives staff a better understanding
                  Awareness                               of their role in virtual security and vulnerability.
                                                          Introduction of the travel forms, how to make arrangements and the regulations per the JTR.  The
                                                          course will go over what is needed prior to planning a trip, prior approval, booking the expenses in
                                                          accordance with JTR, and how to fill out the TAR, TER, Trip Report, and the process for getting the
                  Intro to Travel and the JTR             reports signed off and submitted.
                                                          This course goes through basic use of Vysnova's program management applications such as ShareSync,
                                                          Adobe, Smartsheet, 3CX, MS Office, Outlook, etc. Following this course, users should understand the
                  Intro to Vysnova IT Applications        basics of using these applications in managing projects and programs.
                                                          This course covers all Vysnova's Information Technology policies, such as those on information security
                  IT Policies                             reporting, data classification, remote access, laptop lending, and many more.

                                                             Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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