P. 52

•  Inadequate foreign carrier coach class air accommodations, such as inadequate sanitation
                      or health standards, and the use of the foreign-flag carrier service are approved in
                      accordance with the Fly America Act.
                  •  Travel more than 14 hours: for travel to/from a temporary duty station (not including travel
                      to/from airports), and, if the traveler elects to forgo a rest stop en route to or upon arrival
                      at the duty station. Travel must be direct between authorized origin and destination points,
                      which are separated by several time zones,  with either the  origin or destination point
                      outside the continental United States, and the scheduled flight time (including stopovers,
                      not including rest stop) is in excess of 14 hours. (This may still be subject to client approval.)
                  •  Use of frequent traveler benefits provides an upgrade at no extra cost above coach-class
                  •  Other than Coach travel fare is less expensive
                  Guidelines for Changing Purchased Tickets

                  Once tickets are issued, traveler-requested changes will be considered only for health, safety,
                  and family  emergency reasons. Requests for changes for personal reasons  will be at the
                  traveler’s expense. Traveler should contact the PM regarding changes accompanied by verified
                  receipt (e.g. e-mail delivery confirmation) prior to making changes when possible.

                  Travel Advances
                  Vysnova offers the option to receive a Travel Advance to all employees. The request for a travel
                  advance is part of the travel authorization form (see TAAR form in Vysnova Standard PgM Docs
                  ShareSync folder, see Annex E). In general, subcontractors and consultants are not authorized
                  to receive travel advances; however, in some special cases, the option for travel advances may
                  be approved by the Controller and Vysnova Leadership during the subcontract negotiation. In
                  this case, if it is included in the subcontract  or  consulting  agreement,  a subcontractor or
                  consultant may submit a travel advance request form prior to travel.  A travel advance may be
                  provided up to a maximum of 75% or lower of out-of-pocket expenses (i.e. Vysnova-paid costs
                  are not eligible for advances), as determined by the PM or as stated in the subcontract or
                  consulting  agreement.  Travel advances must be submitted at least  3 business days before
                  payment is needed.

                  TER Guidelines
                  Once the trip is completed, the TER should be submitted within one week and/or a shorter time
                  frame as directed by the PM. The travelers must submit a completed and signed Travel Expense
                  Report (TER). Template is available in Vysnova Standard PgM Docs ShareSync folder, see Annex

                  Ensure the receipt breaks down the daily lodging cost (breaking down the room, parking and
                  taxes) and the expense reports shows the total for the day of the lodging and taxes, but any
                  parking should be placed under “Other” column
                  Per Diem

                  Per diem is used for Lodging Rates and Meals and Incidentals. Per Diem is calculated using the
                  location where the employee is staying.  First and last day are at 75%.

                                   Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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