Page 80 - YBA & Layout Pro_2021 Guide
P. 80

            Submitting a Page with the Preflight Panel

                    Scan QR code to watch the video.

            Submitting pages is easy with the Preflight Panel. Be sure to review pages carefully, as submitted pages
            cannot be changed.

                    COMPLETE PREFLIGHT          MARK AS COMPLETE           SUBMIT THE PAGE
                    Once you have run Spellcheck,   When all page errors are   Once a page is marked as
                    generated a Proof PDF and   resolved, the “Mark as     complete, the Submit and
                    resolved all page errors, the   complete” button will turn teal   Return options will appear.
                    page is ready to be submitted.   instead of gray. Mark the page   Click “Return” to go back to an
                    Top items will be grayed out   as complete by clicking   incomplete page for editing.
                    when completed.             this button.               Click “Submit” to submit
                                                                           the page.

            THOROUGHLY REVIEW YOUR PAGE before                  ONCE YOU SUBMIT A PAGE you will no longer be
            clicking on the Submit button. Submitted pages cannot   able to make changes to it. Changes requested after
            be changed. However, you may copy and paste from a   submission can result in extra charges. Contact your plant
            submitted page onto a new page.                     consultant for assistance.

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