Page 81 - YBA & Layout Pro_2021 Guide
P. 81


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            ADD COMMENT                       DETATCH COMMENTS                  COMMENTS PANEL
            Click on this button to add a     Click on the thumbtack in the top right   View all comments on a page. Check
            comment on the page you’re        corner of the comment to detatch it   the circle to the left of the comment
            working on. Select a comment      and move it around the page. Click   to resolve it. Comment bubbles will
            to reposition.                    the X to snap the comment back to it’s   only appear when panel is open.
                                              home location.

            VIEW A COMMENT                        EDIT/DELETE A COMMENT                 REPLY TO A COMMENT
            •  When the comments panel is open,   Click the three vertical dots next to your   Type your reply in the “Reply”
              purple speech bubbles indicate where   name (you can only edit/delete if you   section. Hit the green arrow
              comments are on the page.           made the comment). Choose Edit        to apply.
            •  Click and drag a purple speech bubble   or Delete.
              to anchor it somewhere else.
                                                  DETATCH A COMMENT
            RESOLVE A COMMENT                     Click the thumbtack icon in the top right
            Click “Resolve this issue” at the top of the   corner to move the comment around the
            comment or check it off the list in the   spread. Click the X to snap the comment
            comment panel.                        back to its original location.

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