Page 91 - YBA & Layout Pro_2021 Guide
P. 91

                                                                  •  If a student list hasn’t been uploaded or a student
                                                                   isn’t in the list select “add new student” from the drop
                                                                   down list. This will create a new student record in the
                                                                   coverage report and prompt you to enter the student

              1 STUDENT ITEMS ORDERED                 2  PAYMENT INFORMATION
                 •  Enter quantity of items included     Enter payment information.
                  in the student’s order.

                                                                                          SET PAID IN FULL
                                                                                          •  Selecting this will enter
                                                                                            the order total amount
                                                                                            into “Payment 1” and
                                                                                            populate the current

                                                                                          REQUEST REFUND
                                                                                          •  If it is an existing order
                                                                                            the user may request a

              3  ADVISER NOTES                        4  SAVE
                 Write any notes about this              Save changes to this order.
                 student order.

            IF YOU ARE SELLING BOOKS ONLINE the orders           SEE SALES REPORTS for the number of books sold,
            you enter will blend in seamlessly. If you are only selling   how many students have only partially paid and more!
            books manually, talk to your rep about selling online to
            increase sales.

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