Page 4 - FERC_2024 Handbook
P. 4

FERC Handbook

          3. Planning and Implementing Public Relations

          4. Formation  of  Ad  hoc  Committees  -  these  committees  are  usually  short-lived  and  can  be
            disbanded as soon as their specific goals are met.
          The Scholarship Officer, in concert with the Sponsored Student Program Coordinator(s), is
          the primary person that does a large amount of work that is essential to the primary mission and
          work of the Board and AC. The Officers interact with all of the various positions on the AC on a
          monthly basis and are responsible for reporting to the Board and AC with reports and updates at
          the AC meetings.

          *The FERC Board is guided by the ECPAT International Child Protection Policy of the Governance
          Documentation, Section 11, page 50. For more information go to:


          Updated: 4 Mar 2024                                                                                    3
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