Page 9 - FERC_2024 Handbook
P. 9

FERC Handbook

            f. In the absence of mitigating circumstances, all office bearers shall give 6 months’ notice of
               their intention to stand down from that office.

          8. LEGAL STATUS:

            a. FERC  is  a  Registered  Foundation  (Tor.  254/2545)  under  The  Ministerial  Regulations  of
               Regulations, Operation, and Registration of the Foundation B.E. 2545 (2002).
            b. FERC is a Non-Government Organization (NGO). FERC is audited annually and this audit is
               lodged with the auditor selected for that current year and a copy is kept on file with FERC.
          9. QUORUM:  The  Quorum  of  any  AC  meeting  shall  be  three-quarters  (3/4)  of  the  total
            membership of the AC.

          Updated: 4 Mar 2024                                                                                    8
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