Page 6 - FERC_2024 Handbook
P. 6

FERC Handbook

                                FERC AC Positions: Purpose/Role & Reporting Path

                                                       ✦ Reports to            ❖ Works with
             Events                                                            ❖   Advisory
            Planning     • To raise funds for FERC  ✦ Board/Advisory               Committee (AC)       Vacant
           Coordinator     activities                      Committee (AC)      ❖   Treasurer

                         • To design FERC
                           promotional & events
                           marketing materials,                                ❖   Advisory             Patrick
            Marketing      secure printing of          ✦ Board/Advisory            Committee (AC)       Roberts
            Designer                                       Committee (AC)
                           materials & purchasing                              ❖   Treasurer             (AC)
                           pastries for AC

                         • To act as a liaison         ✦ Board/Advisory                                   Aoi
               Thai        between FERC and                Committee (AC)                               Yuwan
                                                                               ❖ Scholarship
             Liaison       SESAO34 and generally  ✦ Sponsored                                          Pujeenap
             Officer       to provide Thai language        Student                                      han (B/
                           support to FERC                 Program Officer                                AC)

                         • To seek out companies
                           who either have a                                   ❖ Sponsored
                           Corporate Social                                        Student
                           Responsibility (CSR)
              CSR                                      ✦ Board/Advisory            Program Officer
            Manager        program in place or             Committee (AC) ❖ Treasurer                   Vacant
                           companies who would                                 ❖ Social Media
                           like to have a CSR                                      Officer
                           contribution by
                           supporting FERC

                         • To maintain and develop
                           the FERC website
           Webmaster       and to maintain the                                                         Francois
            /Website       technical integrity of the   ✦ Board/Advisory       ❖ Social Media         Le Poutre/
           Maintenanc      website including, but          Committee (AC)          Officer             Neil Kilah
           e Manager       not limited to, adding                                                        (AC)
                           new content and
                           features as needed and
                           as directed by the AC.

            All Board/   • To ensure that FERC operates in a manner that enables it to fulfill its Mission,
               AC          Vision and Values, and the goals identified in the current strategic plan, in an
            Members        efficient, effective and economic way

          Updated: 4 Mar 2024                                                                                    5
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