Page 10 - FERC_2024 Handbook
P. 10

FERC Handbook

                                              FERC Confidentiality Policy
          The  Foundation  for  the  Education  of  Rural  Children  (FERC)  maintains  and  manages  much
          information  that  must  be  kept  confidential.  This  includes  information  about  donors,  prospective
          donors,  grantees,  and  prospective  grantees.  The  effective  functioning  of  FERC  also  requires
          respecting the confidentiality of discussions that take place and information that is shared in the
          course of conducting FERC business.
          The  FERC  Board  and Advisory  Committee  (AC)  have  adopted  this  Policy  on  Confidentiality  to
          assist  the  FERC’s  Board  and  AC  members  and  volunteers  in  fulfilling  their  confidentiality
          obligations and commitments. While the policy addresses some common confidentiality concerns,
          it is not an exhaustive list of all situations where a confidentiality obligation may arise. Questions
          about whether the information is confidential or about situations in which confidential information
          may be released or discussed should be directed to the FERC Chairperson. As used in this Policy,
          the term “FERC personnel” includes the FERC’s Board and AC members and volunteers.
          General Rule:
          Information in the possession of FERC and discussions of FERC business should generally be
          presumed  to  be  confidential. All  FERC  personnel  at  every  level  are  responsible  for  maintaining
          Confidentiality of Donor Information:
          Except  as  required  by  law,  FERC  will  not  disclose  information  about  a  donor  or  a  donor’s  gift.
          However, unless otherwise requested by the donor, FERC may publish the names of individual /
          corporate donors in the FERC’s Annual Report/Newsletter and other reported listings. In the case
          of memorial/Legacy gifts, FERC will provide the names of donors unless the donor has requested
          anonymity. FERC will not disclose the amount of any gift without the donor’s consent.
          Confidentiality With Respect to Scholarship Applicants, Selected Students, and Sponsors:
          FERC  will  protect  the  financial  and  personal  information  that  scholarship  applicants  submit  to
          FERC. This includes information provided by sponsors to fund the scholarships.
          FERC will disclose minimal information regarding a sponsored student to his/her sponsor such as
          a photograph, name, and nickname plus very basic information about the family.
          When FERC provides an update to a sponsor on his/her student’s progress, it will include only
          general  information  such  as  Grade  Point  Average  (GPA),  career  aspirations,  community
          involvement, etc.
          FERC protects all personal information provided by sponsors.
          Confidentiality of FERC Business:

          Except  as  authorized  by  FERC’s  Board  and/or AC,  or  by  an  appropriate  board  sub-committee,
          discussions  and  records  of  FERC’s  operations  are  generally  not  to  be  disclosed. This  includes
          information  about  FERC’s  financial  operations,  fundraising,  investments,  personnel,  and
          contractual relationships. The positions of FERC personnel should not be discussed, even within
          FERC, except in the course of official FERC meetings and processes where those subjects are

          This  policy  does  not  apply  to  disclosures  to  attorneys,  accountants,  and  other  professionals
          providing assistance to FERC. It also does not apply to disclosures to tax authorities, government

          Updated: 4 Mar 2024                                                                                    9
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