Page 14 - FERC_2024 Handbook
P. 14

FERC Handbook

               E. The AC Treasurer  she;;  maintain  a  list  of  current  students  including  their  bak  account
                   names and numbers for the online transfers made directly to student accounts in May
                   and again in October … currently 90 students.
          V.   Payments to Vendors:

               A. AC  Treasurer  to  prepare  payment  vouchers  to  FERC  vendors  as  requested  by  the
                   Vendor. A copy of the payment voucher will be kept on file based on the calendar year.
          VI.  Reserve Funds: A reserve amount of 50,000 THB (Fifty Thousand Thai Baht) is being held
               with Bangkok Bank, Acct. No. 531-066440-3.

          VII. Give2Asia / MyriadUSA:
               A. The AC Treasurer shall be responsible for periodically checking the FERC account page
                   under  the Administration  section  on  the  Give2Asia  &  MyriadUSA  website  to  ascertain
                   collected  funds  and  having  the  funds  transferred  to  our  Bangkok  Bank  account  as
               Login:; Password: FERC2021 /; FERC2021
               and shall be shared with the Board President, Treasurer, and Social Media Officer.

          VIII. Swiss FERC FoundationAccount:
               A. The  AC  Treasurer  shall  be  responsible  for  monthly  coordination  with  a  Swiss  FERC
                   Foundation member to receive monthly statements from the Swiss account to ascertain
                   collected  funds  and  having  the  funds  transferred  to  our  Bangkok  Bank  account(s)  as

          Updated: 4 Mar 2024                                                                                   13
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