Page 51 - PIGNAT catalogue 2020 GB_092020
P. 51
➢ Study the conditions for installing and commissioning a centrifugal pump
Study a self-contained centrifugal pump
In suction and load
Determine characteristic TDH (total dynamic head) graphs vs flow rate:
At constant speed
For different rotation speeds (optional)
Simulate faults and study common maintenance problems
Clogged pipe at the inlet
Priming problems
Inlet throttling (observe cavitation phenomenon)
Direction of rotation of pump motor
General specifications Options
- Pump motor frequency variation.
• Tank.
- Relative pressure transmitters.
• Single piece centrifugal pump in ss with transparent
flange, suction pipe with strainer and check valve, - Double tray aluminum frame with casters.
draining valve.
• Diaphragm valve. Dim (frame): 150 x 65 x 190 cm - 60 kg
•Vacuum manometer.
• Manometer. 100 - 240 V Water Drainage
• Flowmeter. 1ϕ - 3ϕ - 50/60 Hz 500 L / h
➢ Study of two centrifugal pumps operating in suction or load
➢ Study pump coupling methods (series /parallel )
Study of the two self-contained centrifugal pumps
Study a motor pump assembly in suction operation (optional)
Determination of characteristic TDH (total dynamic head)
graphs against flow rate
Determination of yields (electrical consumption/motor
torque/ hydraulic power)
General specifications • Selection valve for load operating.
• PE tank with removable lid and draining • Suction circuit with anti-back flush
valve. valve, strainer.
• SS centrifugal pump: measurement of
the power consumed and variable Instrumentation
speed. • Vacuum Gauges.
• Manometer.
• SS centrifugal pump and transparent • 2 flowmeters.
flange. Isolating valve • Vacuum gauges . 200 - 400 V Eau de ville Évacuation
• Manometer. 3ϕ - 50/60 Hz 500 L/h par caniveau
• Serial coupling selection valve. • Level sensor safety. Dim : 190 x 70 x 215 cm - 150 kg
Dim (with option O1) : 210 x 70 x 215 cm - 150 kg
Fluids & fluidization 51