Page 56 - PIGNAT catalogue 2020 GB_092020
P. 56



                                            ➢    Study of the phenomena associated with the fluidization of solid particles in a
                                                 stream of air and of the kinetics of drying solid

                                            Study of the air fluidization of solid particles
                                                 Characterize the solid to be fluidized
                                                 Determine the minimum fluidization speed

                                            Study of the drying of solid particles in a hot air stream
                                                 Apply the wet air graph
                                                 Determine the kinetic graphs for linear phase and diffusion phase drying

                                            Study of the thermal convection coefficient (option)
                                                 Compare the thermal convection coefficient for various medium configurations: in air, in a bed
                                                 of fixed particles and in a bed of fluidized particles
                                                   General specifications                 Instrumentation
                                                                              •  3 temperature probes Pt100Ω.
                                         •  Air  feeding  circuit  with  filter,  pressure  reducing   •  Flowmeter 500 - 5000 L/h.
                                           valve and manometers, isolating valve.   •  2 Manometers.
                                                                              •  Metal dial thermometer.
                                         •  PVC column with silica gel to dry air.   •  Moisture transmitter.

                                                                            100 - 240 V
                                         •  Air  heating  device  equipped  with  an  heating
                Data acquisition           resistance 480 W with safety thermostat 90 °C.

                                         •  Glass  ND  200  fluidization  chamber  with  bronze
                                           fritted and solid particles bed.

                                         •  Glass cyclone.
                                                                                                   1ϕ - 50/60 Hz   4 bar
                                         •  Piezometric tube with rule.                    Dim: 125 x 55 x 155 cm  -  70 kg

                                                                              7 TT5                         TT1
              Possibility  of  replacing   The design of this unit allows the user to observe:   TI4
              the   U-tube   by   an       The gas-solid fluidization
              electronic   differential                                             6
              pressure transmitter       The drying of the solid particles in hot air and        TT2    9     2
                                         the thermal convection (if option).                  3
                                   Fluidization  is  achieved  in  the  chamber  6.  The
                                   minimum fluidization speed is determined by plotting
                 Options           the curve of the pressure drop of the bed of particles
                                   9 in function of the air flow 3.                    5
        - Thermal convection study                                              TT3
                                   The provision  of  the sintered disc  ensures the good
        -  Differential  electronic  pressure   dispersion of the air stream.                       1

                                   The drying of  solid  particles in  hot  air occurs in  the   AIR
                                   drying chamber 6.

                                   The heating set point temperature is determined by   The  energy  dissipated  by  a  platinum  filament
                                   the controller on the control box.    immersed in different media (fixed bed, fluidized bed
               Other versions                                            and  only  air)  is  used  to  calculate  the  heat  transfer
                                   The characteristics of  the air inlet  and  outlet  of  the   coefficient at the surface of the filament and showing
        FGS/1000                   drying  chamber  allow  knowing  the  variation  of  the   the  importance  of  the  fluidization  during  solid
        Gas-solid fluidization simple   water  content  of  the  solid  and  tracing  the  drying   particles drying.
                                   kinetics curves highlighting the linear and diffusional
        FGS/4000                   phase.
        Fluidized bed drying autonomous
        version with fan

                             Fluids & fluidization                                                            55
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