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       Test 3         KEY

           LiSTEning PART 1                                      LiSTEning PART 2
           Questions 1–10                                        Questions 11–20

            1  15( ) May / May 15( ) The woman explains that the   11/12  A/B (in any order)
               film must be sent in by Wednesday, May 15 . She       Distraction C: The speaker explains that the
               also refers to this date as the deadline.             wood has been free of litter since the last time
               Distraction The man mentions June 30 , but the        it was cleaned up, and therefore collecting litter
               woman explains this is not the submission date but    is a job that the volunteers can ‘forget about’; D:
               the date when the judges decide on the winner.        The speaker suggests that the volunteers have a
            2  actors The woman explains that professional actors    look at some of the existing bird boxes, possibly
               can’t take part in the film; they all need to be ‘new   to check that they are being used by birds. The
               to acting’.                                           volunteers are not asked to make any more boxes;
               Distraction ‘people’ might be tempting, but it is     E: The speaker mentions that some older trees lost
               only actors that need to be inexperienced. People     branches in a recent storm, but he does not say that
               working in audio production etc. are allowed to       the whole tree needs to be cut down.
               participate.                                      13/14  A/E (in any order)
            3  animal The woman explains that the man has a          Distraction B: The speaker provides examples of
               choice of using either a child or an animal as one of   tools required for the work in the wood, but says
               his characters.                                       that these will all be provided. In other words,
               Distraction ‘glasses’ is wrong as this was something   the volunteers do not need to bring any tools
               the filmmakers had to use in last year’s competition.   themselves; C: The speaker says he has received
                                                                     money [= funding] from the local residents
            4  music The woman says that permission is required      committee, and will therefore buy and provide
               for any music the man wants to use.                   sandwiches for the volunteers; D: The speaker says
               Distraction ‘band’ might be tempting, but there is    there is no need for sunscreen since the volunteers
               no suggestion that the man needs to get permission    will be working during a cloudy weekend.
               for this since he is asking a local band he hopes will   15  C ‘New account’ is a paraphrase of ‘go online and
               help him.                                             find a website’, ‘register your details’.
            5  subtitles The woman explains that if the film is in a   16  D ‘Suitable location’ can be understood when the
               language other than English then accurate subtitles   speaker says ‘consider exactly where you’re going to
               are necessary.                                        count the birds’ – ‘in a single field’ or ‘a wider area’.
               Distraction ‘language’ might be tempting but it does   17  g ‘Good team’ is expressed by ‘get some other
               not fit grammatically in the space.                   people to come along to help you’ and ‘a group that
            6  script The woman suggests that this is what           are also interested in birds’.
               filmmakers must consider [= focus on] first.      18  H ‘visual guide’ is a paraphrase of ‘a print-out
            7  comedy The man makes the point that not               showing pictures of the birds’. The speaker goes on
               everyone finds the same thing funny, and thinks he    to say that this should be detailed and clear enough
               probably shouldn’t make a comedy as a film. The       so that the volunteers can clearly identify the birds
               woman agrees: ‘Yes, stay away from [= avoid] that     they plan to count.
               kind of film.’                                    19  B A ‘rough estimate’ means ‘an approximate
               Distraction ‘Documentary’ is wrong because the        number’ of birds. The speaker talks about ‘totals’
               man thinks making this kind of film would be a        and ‘the probable number’.
               good idea.                                        20  A ‘clear photograph’ can be understood when the
            8  Hyslop                                                speaker says ‘have a look at the pictures you’ve
            9  imagine The woman says that the film is called        taken’, ‘a sharp image’ and ‘best shot’.
               Imagine – in other words, this is its title.
           10  Bridge
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