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            Test 1 t 4    KEY
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          LiSTEning PART 1                                          Distraction B: this was a residential area from where
          Questions 1–10                                            people commuted to the city to work; C: a military
                                                                    base was talked about, but was never built.
           1  49.99 per day = daily                             14  B are given = they donate; certain local people =
              Distraction The man says they are $15.50 per hour,    families in this neighbourhood who are struggling
              but the form requires the price per day.              financially
           2  gloves                                                Distraction A: businesses and restaurants want to
              Distraction The woman provides the word ‘helmets’.    buy the produce, but there isn’t enough; C: each
              The man then makes a comment about sizes, which       plot is worked by a volunteer member, but there is
              might be tempting but doesn’t make sense. The         no reference to members using the produce.
              man then adds the comment about ‘gloves’.         15  C students = undergraduates on the horticulture
           3  Battenburg                                            course; gardening skills = their subject
           4  green Bay                                             Distraction A: there is a reference to academics, but
           5  air conditioning the Economy car = that model         not their research; B: workshops are planned for the
              Distraction The woman provides the words ‘air         future, but the question includes the word ‘now’.
              conditioning’ and the man says it’s not in that   16  F D and E are distracting, but they are not ‘the first
              model.                                                building you come to’ on that path.
           6  52.20                                             17  C B is distracting, but it is not ‘actually located
              Distraction The man mentions the ‘normal’ price of    inside the orchard’.
              $59, before quoting a discounted price.           18  g H is distracting, but it is inside the car park, not
           7  heavy                                                 down ‘a little path heading out to the west’.
              Distraction The man says that on some E-Bikes the   19  E D is distracting, but it is not shaped like the letter U.
              battery is very heavy, but on these bikes it’s light.  20  A B is distracting, but it is not ‘right at the very end
           8  brakes good = high-quality                            of that path – as far as you can go’.
           9  lock                                              LiSTEning PART 3
              Distraction The woman provides the word ‘lock’ and   Questions 21–30
              the man says that yes, those are provided.        21  A for a long time = since the 1990s, therapists
          10  licence no licence is needed = you don’t have to      have been experimenting with games . . . this has
              have                                                  been going on for many years, it’s not a sudden
          LiSTEning PART 2                                          breakthrough
          Questions 11–20                                           Distraction B: Jason says that Dr Franklin ‘sees huge
                                                                    potential for games’; C: Alya says she’d been hoping
          11  B discovered = found; tools = implements, like        Dr Franklin might give some idea about this issue,
              spades and forks, for digging                         but, as Jason says, he ‘doesn’t really address that’.
              Distraction A: a few documents and records        22  C harder work rate = people are more prepared to
              exist about this site, but they weren’t ‘recently     spend hours on rehabilitation
              discovered at this site’; C: photographs are          Distraction A: some patients get so caught up in
              mentioned, but not drawings.                          the games ‘they hurt themselves’; B: Jason says
          12  B enough water = the stream . . . runs through the    that the games are no cheaper than conventional
              valley, so we can irrigate the gardens even through   exercises.
              long dry summers                                  23  B The students disagree about whether the
              Distraction A: the gardens get ‘freezing frosts’;     research subjects played games together in the
              C: ‘storms blow very hard up here’                    same room or played online. Alya describes this as
          13  A built = was constructed; a medical centre = an      ‘how the experiment was conducted’, which means
              infirmary [a simple hospital] ‘to take care of the    ‘methodology’.
              health needs of the growing population’
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