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24 book paragraph C: A clear locator is provided with 34 H volunteer work = staff give short periods of their
the reference to ancient Rome. Note that the locator time unpaid to plant trees
may come towards the end of the sentence. The Option G might be tempting here because of the
name of the book provides distraction, but it is too reference to staff, but this type of conservation work
long to be the correct answer. is short term. The reference to ‘conservation’ and
25 school paragraph D: A clear locator is provided the Green Scheme may make the green terms such
by the reference to Tanzania and the date. The as ‘recycling’ and ‘biodegradable’ tempting, but
question is made more difficult by the fact that the neither are relevant to this particular project, the
word ‘school’ does not appear until quite some time Green Scheme.
after this reference. 35 A materials = bamboo and soya beans;
26 crying paragraph E: A clear locator reference biodegradable = break down and decay naturally.
is provided. Again, the question is made more The green references here might make ‘recycling’
challenging by the requirement to read and tempting, but these would be new products, not the
comprehend a long section of text after the recycled old coffee capsules. The reference to coffee
reference to the neurologist. might make option C tempting, but the focus here is
on the capsule, not the coffee.
READing PASSAgE 3 36 C fresh produce = vegetable and fruit
Questions 27–40
Option E might be tempting because of the
27 YES: The writer criticises business commentators reference to ‘residents’. However, Greater
for their ‘common generalisation’ which ‘overlooks Good provides food, not accommodation. The
the significant contribution of Muhammad Yunus’. reference to vegetables and fruits might also
28 nO: The writer describes Rathbourne’s view as make ‘biodegradable’ tempting, but the focus of
‘cynical’ and argues that it is ‘disproved by the this product is that the food is fresh to eat, not its
evidence’. biodegradability.
29 nOT giVEn: The writer gives a number of details 37 C The writer says that ‘both sides of the
about the research conducted by the Quorate relationship’ – i.e. both businesses and consumers –
Group, but there is no information about whether have contributed to the rise of SRBs.
the Quorate Group itself is an SRB. A is wrong because some entrepreneurs ‘wanted to
30 nO: The writer claims that the number of firms like make a difference’.
Concern Consultancy ‘will almost inevitably multiply’. B is wrong because both consumers and
31 YES: Professor Drew argues that the rise of SRBs is entrepreneurs support the idea of SRBs.
‘partly a consequence of the digital revolution’ and D is wrong because the writer concludes with C,
the writer describes this as a ‘persuasive analysis’. that both sides are encouraging and influencing
32 F affordable = low cost; furniture = tables, chairs the other.
and similar items 38 B governments = local council; local, state and
The references to ‘recycled’ in option B might national authorities; these bodies
be tempting but there is no mention of clothing Mitchell is the example the writer uses to introduce
connected to Renew. Likewise, the reference to the idea of governments supporting SRBs. He
‘biodegradable’ in option A might be tempting outlines how this works by referring to Mitchell’s
because the furniture is made of wood. However, role as a procurement officer. He then refers to how
Renew design furniture; they have not designed any authorities have ‘purchasing power for both goods
biodegradable materials, only collected them from and services’.
demolition sites. A is wrong because the writer implies that SRBs
33 D closer neighbourhoods = community hub = often do not lose out to other businesses when it
meeting place for local residents . . . running comes to government support.
workshops, film evenings and art exhibitions C is wrong because there is no reference to
Option E might be tempting because this is a different governments, only to different types of
place for people to go, but it is not a type of government. And the reference to Mitchell implies
accommodation. Option C might be tempting that many governments behave in the same way –
because the café serves food, but all cafés do this there is no contrast.
and it is not the primary purpose of Indulge.