Page 32 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 32

'l  saw a tall, shy, handsome  soldier.  He had the m0st  for questioning.  There  is no guarantee  that she will make
            beautiful eyes  I had ever seen,'says  Ehdaa. Ehdaa had  it out of lraq  -  Saddam didn't all0w doctors to have
            never  met an American  before in her life. But soon, she  passports.  She spends  three hours  going nowhere,  when
            was seeing this American  every few days. Blackwell  had  the improbable happens:  one ofthe  guards recognises her
            been in lraq only  a few weeks, but between patrols and  from an article  he read  about  an lraqi woman who married
            weapons  raids, she'd bring  him home-cooked meals  and  an American soldier. And in this dusty little outpost,  fame
            hours  of conversation.  'l  started  thinking, what we are  is a passport.  Ehdaa continues on her  journey  and at
            doing is impossible.  l'm Muslim and he's a Christian.  l'm  last, in Jordan,  the couple are reunited.  'She  looks  just  as
            lraqi and he's American.  lt  just  can't happen,'  says Ehdaa.  beautiful as the firsttime  I saw her. I feel so comfortable.
            'lt  did. Love can produce miracles, I do believe  this now.'
                                                                   It s like I haven't been away  from her for six months,'  says
           After three months  of war-zone dating, Blackwell took the  Bla c kwell.
            plunge  -  keeping,  of course,  with localtradition, where  ,*K  ln a sense,the  Blackwells  are exactlywhatthe  Pentagon
            a marriage proposal is a question asked man-to-man.    had dreamed  of at the start of the war  -  American soldiers
            Blackwell  asked  Ehdaa's brother, who told him.'l'd  be  embraced by lraq. lt seems  ironic that when the military
            honoured  for you to marry  my sister.' But under local  got what it wanted,  at least  on a small scale, it manoeuvred
            law, a Muslim woman can marry  only a Muslim man. So   to divide,  only to be outflanked by a soldier  who would  not
            Blackwell  stood before an lraqijudge  and said in Arabic:  disobey the orders of his heart.
            'There's  only one God  and that's God  and Mohamed is
            the messenger  of God.'Through those  words.  Blackwell
            became  a Muslim. lt was a conversion of convenience, not  i
            convi ction.
         G The couplewas readyto say'l do' when Blackwell's     5  Read the Reoding fip on page 30. Complete these verb-noun
            commanding  officer  stepped in. There was no regulation  collocations  from the text.
            against  a marriage, but the battalion commander  was  a to       a  (secret)  mission
            worried  that, in a war zone, it would  be a dangerous  b to      a bullet-proof  vest
            distraction.  So he ordered Blackwell  notto  get married.  c to   an order
            'We  were brought  together  by some, some higher  force   --
        uu                                                         d to       on patrol
            than ourselves,  and itwas meantto be,'says Blackwell.  e to      to an attack
                                                                   f  to-adetour
            'And  I wasn't  going to let anybody  stop that.'  For the first
            time in his career,  Sgt Blackwell  set 0ut to disobey an  g to   guard
            order. 0n a sizzling August morning,  he went  out on patrol  h to  -   charges
            with a small team.  The soldiers responded  to a rocket
        'o  afiack.  But on the way  back to base, the patrol made an  6  Complete the sentences with collocations from  exercise  5.
            unauthorised detour  to a restaurant.                  Are the phrases  used literally  or figurativety?
          H Two soldiers  with heavyweapons  stood  guard  outside.  1 On the way home  from schoot,  we   into town to
            Blackwell  went into the courtyard where  Ehdaa  was     buy a new video game.
            waiting with her family, a  judge,  and a pair of rings.  Friends  2 The chief executive  was accused  of negligence, but
        'u  translated the Arabic vows and recorded 0n tape one small       by pointing  out that the events in question
            moment  of peace in a larger  war. lt ended with a kiss on  occurred before his term of employment  began.
            the forehead, and then Blackwell went back  on patrol  with  3 Three members of the battation  were  severely
            his team. 0nce the battalion commander  found out about  reprimanded  for    after they gave unauthorised
            the wedding,  Blackwell was exiled to Baghdad  lsland in  interviews to the  press.
            the Tigris  River.  However,  no charges  were filed against  4 Some African governments  to eradicate malaria
            Blackwell,  and it may be that the Army  just wanted the  by 2015.
            whole thing to go away.  Blackwell  got away  with no more  5 They met on the steps  of the Art lnstitute of Chicago,
            than a reprimand and left the military with an honourable  where  two bronze  lions   outside  the entrance.
            discharge.                                             6 Some areas of town are considered so lawless  that potice
        85                                                           officers are instructed  to _
          I But six months  after his wedding, Blackwell  said goodbye                   -      before going  on foot
            to his mother  and headed  back towards the war zone he  patro[.
            had recently left. Ehdaa, escorted by her little  brother,  sped
                                                                7  ffi      Worl< in pairs. Thinl<  about  a story you know which
            past the war zones of Fallujah  and Ramadi  towards  the
            rendezvous  on the border between lraq and Jordan. Soon,  involves  love triumphing  over obstacles.  lt could  be a true
                                                                   story,  a book or a film. Answer the questions.
        'o  the 11,000-kilometre  separation is cut down to a stretch 0f
            highway,  80 kilometres long.                          1 What  exactly  were the obstacles?
          J  Atthe border,  guards  searchthe carthree times, and  2 How did the coupte  manage to overcome  them?
            Jordanian  intelligence  pulls Ehdaa and her brother aside  3 What  is your opinion  of the story?
                                                           i    I  ffiffi   Work in pairs.  Present  your  story  to the class.

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