Page 29 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 29

ffi      ln pairs,  discuss this quotation  by C.S.Lewis,  ffi  6b t.f  g  Complete these  excerpts  from the description
           author of The Chronicles of Nornio.  Do you agree with it?
                                                                   using the words below.  (You need to use some words more
           Can you give any examples  of how friendships  in your  own  than once.)  Then listen again and check.
           life began?
                                                                   ma*i,( *{orl'rrl iusicl* *i,lt t!:r*ug* i:-; ti;}
                 Friendship is born at that moment                 1 As friends,  we go   more than ten years  and we've
              when one person says to another:'What!
                                                                      known each other even  longer  than that.
                You, too? I thought  I was the only one.'          2 We haven't fatlen    at all in recent years,  but in the
                                                                      past,  we've had our   s and     s.
           Read the song.  How would sum up the meaning  of the lyrics?
                                                                   3 We've even had the odd set-   over the years.
                                                                   4 We've been       so much together.
                                                                   5 Recentty, probtems at work have been
           I turn to you                                              getting  me   -   .
                                                                   6 She's  atways  been somebody I can reatty open
           When  l'm losl in the rain,
           ln your eyes lknow l'llfind the {ight to light my  wdy.
                        llosing                                    Z lt's easy to tatk to ctose friends  because  they know  you
           Nhen l'n scared,   ground,
           vlhen  my wor{d is gling crdzy,  yzu cdn   il all around.
                                                                   8 She's very dependabte, and honest   and
           And  when l'm down you're there;  pushing me to the top.                                                .
           You're always there; giving me all you got.           3  Look at the examples ofthe present  perfect  in exercise 6. Try
           For  3a  shield  from  lhe slorm,                       to explain  the choice of the simple or the continuous  form.
           For a  friend; for  a love                              Use Grammar Reference  3.1 on page 119 to hetp you.
           To Keep me safe and warm,
           I turn to yau.                                          ffi  *ttgmn*&R mrJg!-mgK  3"1: FR[$*ff*?  pU&r{{T  5i&rL[:
           For the strengfh to be strong,                          Aru* e*ruT,M**8."r$:  P&SX:3$ €m
           For  alhe  wil[ to carcy on,
                                                                ffi  Explain the difference  in meaning  between  sentences  a and b
           For everylhing you do,
           For everything  lhat's trua,                            in each pair, if there is any.
           I turn to you.                                          1 a l've spent a lot of time with my best friend.
           Vlhen I lose lhe will to win,                              b l've been spending a lot of time with my best friend.
           ljust reach  for  you and  5Lcan   reach thLrE4g4rn.    2 a We've drifted apart since leaving  schoot.
           I can do anything,                                         b We've  been drifting apart since leaving school.
           'Cause  your  {ove is so dfiazing;   'cdube   ylur love inspires me  3 a How long have you been working in lT?
           And  when I need a  friend,  you're always on my side,     b How long have you worked in lT?
           Giving  me  failh  to get me through   "the  night.     4 a Have you seen the girt in the ftat below us?
           for the drrn6 ta be my shelter througtt all fhe rain,      b Have you been  seeing  the girt in the ftat below us?
           For trulh that will never change,                       5 a Have you been wearing the coat I bought  you?
           For  6someone   fo lean  on,                               b Have you worn the coat I bought you?
           For a heart I can rely on through  anything,
           For  Tlhe   one who I can run lo ...                 w  Lool<  at the words  and phrases  in exercise  5 and choose one
                                                                   type of friend from your  own life. Write  down five l<ey points
           I turn lo you.
                                                                   about  your  relationship with that person.  Try to include
         Itrr1tu!{iLnqs,EFrqtBJr.fry:rtrrjJilttrrrrrrr+dr   jjwfli14_rf4!qi+p,wrIsr!:{a{Enamr!41!{:rry.flrj!lrqrftp*]l+1.ffi
                                                                   appropriate phrases from the song and from  exercise 6.
        ffi Exptain  the underlined phrases  in your  own words.
                                                                ffiffi  ffi   Worl< in pairs. Take  turns to be A and B.
        e, ffi      Work in pairs.  How many other songs can you   Student A: Using your notes  from exercise  9 to tetl your
           thinl< of about friendship?  Compare your ideas with the
                                                                            partner about your friend. Then answer  B's
                                                                            q uestions.
                                                                   Student  B: Listen carefulty to your partner's  description.  Then
        $  6b  f ,f O Listen to a woman  describing a friend. Which of
                                                                            ask three questions about the friend using the
           these words  and phrases  best describe  that friend, and why?
                                                                            present  perfect simple  or continuous. For example:
           an aeeluaimtan*e  an ilss#ci*tr a chitelh**d [r;*nd
           * ri*ssmatg  m {i"eny  a laic'-r,'*-}{h*l fri*r:d          What have you been doing together  recentty?
           a il;*n:ily frienri a fr?*ncl ulf x frirfici a s*ulrria{e  What's the biggest argument you've  ever had?
           a r-,i*rlcrrl;ite  *ne  qlf  +: rtr:s*-knit  cir*[e  limf fri*irds]

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