Page 25 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 25

Vocabulary                                               Grammar

        1  Add a prefixto the words below  and use them to complete  5  Comptete the sentences.  Use a past or present  form for
           the sentences.                                           describing habituat  actions in the first gap and like or as in
           awed easy occupied orientated nerved                     the second gap.
                                                                    1 When  my grandfather was younger, he
           Harry knew he'd made a mistake, so he felt very ufieaty                                            work
           when his boss called him into his office.                           a tennis coach  every summer.
           1 Jacl< soon became        in the narrow  streets of the  2 My sister       tosing her temper these days,  just
                                                                               our mum!
              city. He reatised he was completety lost.
           2 Olivia  was too      with her new boyfriend to         3 Tom's a good tennis player, but he   behave
                                                                               a chitd whenever he loses a game.
              notice that her mother was ilt.                       4 Don't worry. I
           3 lt was the first time she'd sung in public,  so she was                      making mistakes        that
              comptetely        when she watked out on stage.         when I was your age.
           4 The doctor's  failure to meet her eyes during the                                          Mark:    18
              appointment         Grace  considerably.                                                  -
                                                                 6  Comptete  the sentences with the correct form  of the phrasat
                                                Mark:  14
                                                                    verbs below. Where possible  use an object pronoun.
         2  Use the words  in bracl<ets to form  compound  adiectives  which  tooi< after [ool< into rnake up  put on stand up to
           are synonyms  of the first word.                         thinl< over
           artificia[ (make)   man-made                             1 My sister's  got two children,  so when she goes out  I
           1 intolerant (mind)                                        atways
           2 pleasing (warm)                                        2 I was going  to carry my  lacket,  but when I saw it was
           3 sensibte  (head)                                         raining  I decided
           4 mean  (fist)                                           3 Police have  not yet found the person responsible for the
           5 intettigent  (wit)                                       burglary but the case
           6 scary  (raise)                                           Her father is very domineering,  but she's started
                                                                               and tel[ him what she thinks.
                                                Marl<:  16
                                                                      The court proved  that she had tied. The story of her
                                                                      husband's  disappearance       to obtain his tife
         3  Match the adiectives  (1-5) with their opposites (a-e).
                                                                      insurance money.
            1 serious      a gripping                                 When Mike asked Holly to move in with him she said she
           2 betievable b ftawed
           3 dull          c third-rate                                                                 Mark:
           4 perfect       d far-fetched                                                                         16
            5 high-quality  e tight-hearted
                                                                    Complete the text with the correct  past tense form  of the
                                                Mark:    15         verbs in bracl<ets.
                                                                    Gary was fed up. He       (wait) for his girtfriend  for
           Complete the sentences with the adverbs betow.                                2-
                                                                    over an hour and she still     (not  turn up).  Just  as
           categoricatly  ironicatly toosety promptly widety        he  3-      (contemplate)  going home, she walked  round
            1 The film A Beautiful Mind is   based  on the tife     the corner  lool<ing pleased  with herself. Her smile
              of .lohn Forbes Nash.                                           (vanish),  however,  when she saw the expression
            2 The athtete finished  the race and   cotlapsed        on Gary's face.
              onto the tracl<.                                      'What's wrong?' she asked.
           3 The idea that human actions are responsibte for ctimate  'You're  late again,' he said.
              change  is now       accepted.                        'No, l'm not,' she replied, 'The ctocks  5-   (go  back)
                                         -                                      6-._--
           4 William's boss        refused  to give him a pay rise.  tast night. You      (be)  earlyl'
              He said it was impossible.                                                                Mark:    16
            5 Van Gogh is one of the world's most famous painters, yet
                          -                                                                            HilffifT
                       he onty sotd one picture when he was alive.
                                                Mark:  lS

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