Page 22 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 22

ffifi,ffiffiHtJ  Worl< in pairs.  Discuss  the questions.  :i' (b f .f Z Listen to someone  sayingwhat  she thinks  tife is
           1 What problems do homeless people face?                lil<e for the person  in the first picture and why he might be
           2 Why do peopte  become homeless?                       homeless.  Do you  agree  with her opinions?

        ;i Work in pairs.  lf you had to interview a hometess  person,  (b f .t Z Comptete the speculative  sentences. You can use
           what questions  would  you ask? Note them down.         more than one word in a gap. Then tisten  again and check.
                                                                   1 This man -     quite young.
           6b  f .f 1 Listen to the interview. Were any of your questions  2 lt   he's had a particutarly  hard tife.
           asl<ed?  How did the girl answer them?
                                                                   3 lt      he has enough layers to l<eep warm.
                                                                   4 He's sitting on a bunk bed in what's
           (& f .f I  Complete the phrasalverbs (1-6) with the correct                                   a night
           prepositions, and match them with the definitions  (a-0.  Then  shetter of some  l<ind.
                                                                   5 I       he hasn't been sitting  there for [ong, and he
           listen again and checl<.
                                                                            doesn't  spend his days there.
           1 get sb                 a starttaking  (e.g. drugs)    6 He
           2 hang                   b stay in a place              7 I      .- to have any possessions  with him.
           3 get      sth           c  leave suddenly                        tife is pretty  tough for him.
           4 walk -                 d spend  time with (peopte)    8 I       if he's run away from home  for some  reason.
           5 kicl< sb               e  mal<e sb leave              I*i$, t;ll*lXlr,t,i:rii:  il.ilill-i)liiil  lj.r:rr  S$,lllll.ii-:ll'11,1t,,
           5 hang out               f  depress  sb
        S Match  1-5 with a-e to mal<e collocations  from the tistening.  i1i  fi,H#$ffiffiffi$  Worl< in pairs.  Say what  you thinl<  tife is lil<e for the
           l  skip                  a one's drug habit             person in the second  picture and why he might be homeless.
           2 loose                  b rough
           3 feed                   c  change
           4 l<ick                  d one's drug habit
           5 sleep                  e schooI

           i  Wtren comparing photos,  start by saying what is similar
           ]  and different  about what you can see before  you start to
           i offer opinions  or specutate  about other aspects ofthe
           j  Rhotos.

           ffi,ffii{ffi$ Work in pairs.  Read the Speaking  fipl and the
           task in the box betow. Tatk  about the main similarities  and
           differences  between  the photos. Use the phrases  below to
           help you.

           I  The photos show hometess  people. Compare  and
           I  contrast the photos,  and say what you thinl< tife is til<e
             f:rthese ployf ana wnv   misht be
                                  lhlv        lometess
           !i 1!i!ri  i ir:i::.  i1! iil l i1Li.1 lq i  {  *f  r iii11-1y11   1;91i
              li:,1::::.:i_ii,/:iri.irrr  rr!r:li;,tii.,,   j-;i.,tiL,,,,r::II   lli;,;']111i,;
             I  i:i.:  :;, :,,: :r Ii: 5r ilj I iijii ir: i il;,1r,".
           -iira;         jl'i'+r,r'.'r.--
              111-11,1  .;i,",'ri:'ll;.  {l   *il i.!',j,:rii:il  iilt  ,;:it*:.;:]
           i ;-,  r'r"  *  -.  l'i  i r: t t.l i,tt,  ., t.1ll  !  l*  j,ri'i  :.r fc,trl l  l l  t il it i,l ii  j{j  r,...
           i'i;li'i.i: i  trt:'i.l:\l1t:..  lllririr.:  j.,  a!ii  ..ilr,1 {ilfi?t'ill!,,  ;....,...,..

                                                                I #!  ffi1:fi3;*;ilfii["*  ln your pairs, turn to page 151 and do the picture
                                                                   comparison  tasl<.
                                                                                                       Unit 2  Stories  21
   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27