Page 20 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 20

          very red as he hacked3 and pulled at the pig.            All rightl All right!'
          'The  job was too much.  We needed  everyone.'         7s
                                                                   He looked at Piggy, at the hunters,  at Raiph.
          Ralph turned.                                            'I'm  sorry. About the fire, I mean. There. I -  '
          'You  could  have had everyone when the shelters were
                                                                   He drew himself up.12
          finished. But you had to hunt  -  '                      '-  I apologise.'
         30'We   needed  meatl                                     Thebazz from the hunters  was one of admiration
          ]ack  stood as he said this, the bloodied knife in his  80  for this handsome behaviour.  Clearly  they were of
          hand. The two boys faced each other. There  was the      the opinion  that  Jack  had done the decent thing, had
          brilliant world of hunting,  tactics, fierce exhilaration,  put himself in the right by his generous  apology  and
          skill; and there was the world of longing and baffleda   Ralph, obscurely,l3  in the wrong.
          common-sense.  |ack  transferred  the knife to his left  Yet Ralphs throat refused to pass one. He resented,  as
          hand  and smudgeds blood over his forehead as he       85  an addition  to  fack's  misbehaviour,  this verbal trick.
          pushed down the plastered hair.                          The fire was dead. The ship was gone. Could they not
          Piggy began again.                                       see? Anger instead of decency  passed his throat.
          'You  didnt ought to have let that fire out. You said    'That  was a dirty trickJ
          youd keep the smoke going  -  '                          They were silent on the mountain  top while the
          This from Piggy, and the wails of agreement from       e0  opaque  look appeared  in  |ack's  eyes and passed away.
          some of the hunters  drove  fack  to violence.  The      Ralph's final word was an ungraciousra  mutter.
          bolting  look came into his blue eyes.   Piggy sat       All right. Light the fire.'
          down with a grunt.  fack  stood over him. His voice was  With some positive action  before them,  a little of the
          vicious6  with humiliation.                              tension died. Ra$h said no more, did nothing,
          'You would, would you? Fattyl'                         es                                          t[]
                                                                   stood looking  down at the ashes around  hls feet.
          Ralph made  a step forward  and  |ack  smacked  Piggy's  He gave orders, sang,  whistled, threw remarks  at the
          head.  Piggy's glasses flew offand tinkledT on the rocks.  silent Ralph  -  remarks that did not need an answe!
          Piggy cried out in terror:                               and therefore  could not invite  a snub;ls  and still Ralph
        50'My  specsl'                                             was silent. No one, not even  lack,  would  ask him to
          He went crouching and feeling  over the rocks but     100  move and in the end they had to build the fire three
          Simon, who got there first, found them for him.          yards away and in a place not really  as convenient.
          Passions beat about Simon  on the mountain-top  with     Ralph asserted his chieftainship and could not have
          awful wings.                                             chosen  a better way if he had thought for days.  Against
               side's brokenl                                      this weapon, so indefinable and so effective,  ]ack  was
          'I   U" looked malevolently at  |ack.                 '0s  powerless  and raged without knowing  why. By the
                                                                   time the pile was built, they were on different sides of
          'I  got to have them specs. Now I only got one eye.  )us'
          you wait  -  '                                           a high barrier.
          lack  made a move towards  Piggy who scrambled8
                                                                                                        !,**x'rfl  *.,"],,J.-],,rf  o-rr.4  1.,*'-'
        uu                                                   ii
          away till a great rock lay between them. He thrust his
          head  over the top and glared at  Jack  through  his one
          flashing  glass.                                       Glossary
                                                                  1 (to) wail  =  (make) a long,  high  cry of pain  or sadness
          'Now I only got one eye.  fust  you wait -  '
                                                                  2 dismal  =  miserable
          fack  mimickede  the whine and scramble.                3 to hack  =  cut with rough,  heavy  blows
        6s'fus'you                                                4 baffled  =  confused
                  wait -  yah!'
                                                                  5 to smudge  =  make  a dirty mark
          Piggy and the parody  were so funny that the hunters    6 vicious  =  cruel  and aggressive
          began  to laugh.  Jack  felt encouraged.   Unwillingly  7 (to) tinkle  =  (make) a light, high  ringing  sound
                                                                  B to scramble  =  move  quickly  and with difficulty, using  your hands
          Ralph felt his lips twitch;ll he was angry with himself
                                                                    to help
          for giving way.                                         9 mimic  =  copy in a funny way the way sb speaks  and acts
        70                                                       10 a gale of hysteria  =  the sound of people laughing  uncontrollably
          He muttered.
                                                                 11 (to) twitch  =  (make) a sudden, small  movement  without
          'That  was a dirty trick.'
                                                                    meaning  to
          ]ack  broke out of his gyration  and stood facing Ralph.  12 to draw oneself up  = stand up to one's full height
                                                                 13 obscurely  =  for a reason that was difficult to identify
          His words  came in a shout.
                                                                 14 ungracious  =  ill-mannered  and unfriendly
                                                                 15 a snub  =  an insult
                                                                                                      Unit 2  Stories t9
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