Page 16 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 16
Vocabulary a compound adjectives s compound nouns c verb-noun/adjective-noun coltocations
r phrasatverbs B aspectsoffitms s adjectivesdescribingfitms e modifyingadverbs Stories
Grammar * like,unlike andas n narrativetenses. simpteandcontinuousforms E speculating
Speaking * talking about characters in films and books ! talking about TV viewing habits
n reacting to [iterary texts
Writing e afilm review
6b f .OZ Listen to three people describing the l<ind of fitms I+ How many compound adjectives can you mal<e using the
adjectives and nouns below? How many more can you add
they til<e. What aspects of the films do they particularly lil<e?
using different adiectives and nouns?
big broad cold empty fair kind [ong narrow
single thin wide
btood eyed hair hand head heart teg mind
shoulder sl<in
Rewrite the text by replacing the underlined words with
compound adjectives. You may need to mal<e other changes.
0f Mico and Men ia a novai \ the Noboi ?rizr-vrinning aulhor
ffi John Stainbe.cK.
Of Mice and Men is a novel by the author John Steinbeck,
2 (b f .OZ Complete the compound adjectives that the @ 11 is sel in 1930s Calitornia and is
speakers use with the words below. Then listen again and the story of Nvo migrant farm workers. George Milton and
check. Lennie Small. George thinks quickly. and has a kind heart,
action cool engineered heart man moving narrow and looks after his friend l,ennie Smal1, who is like a child and
raising run setf time witted has a simple mind. PhysicalJy they are diiferen{ loo; George is
1 genetically- 7 -headed sma1l, with a slim bui1d. while lennie is tall and his shoulders
2 -packed 8 a tt- are broad. They share a dream lhat one day they will own their
3 -warming 9 own ranch. But it all goes wrong when Irnnie accidentally
kills someone. The ending breaks your heart, as George kills
4 stow- 10 hair-
5 -made 77 --down Lennie in order to save him from a lynch mob. The novel onl],
72 -assured has 100 naqes, but it is a fantastic read.
6 q uicl<-
3 Wtrich adjectives in exercise 2 can be used to describe:
6 ffi Worl< in pairs. Thinl< of someone or something
a character? b aspects of films?
that can be described using the compound adjectives betow.
Exptain why they can be described til<e this.
Compound adjectives
1 Many compound adiectives consist of l cotd-blooded 5 time-consuming
a a noun, adjective or adverb plus present participle. 2 absent-minded 6 cut-price
thirst-quenching easy-going never-ending 3 tight-hearted 7 remote-controlled
4 [ong-tasting
b a noun, adjective or adverb plus past participte.
tongue-tied left-handed well-paid
Make notes under the headings below about a character from
2 When the first etement of the compound is an a story, film or W programme that you l<now. Use some of the
adlective, the past participle can be formed from a compound adjectives on this page.
noun rather than a verb.
1 Character: positive aspects
thick-skinned tight-fisted thin-lipped flat-footed
2 Character: negative aspects
3 Another common pattern is adiective/number + 3 Appearance
noun. The noun is atways singutar.
deep-sea last-minute ten-storey I ffiffi Work in pairs. Describe the character to your
partner. Can your partner guess who it is?
Unit2 Stories 15