Page 12 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 12
Read the first paragraph of the text. What is unusual about
$d t.OS Listen to a man and a woman discussing the topic
Andi, the monl<ey in the photograph?
of genetic experiments. Answer the questions.
a Before birth, he was geneticatly identicat to a human
a Who is in favour and who is against?
b At what point does the woman think the man is not being
b His DNA was genetically engineered to mal<e him immune serious?
to certain diseases.
c His DNA includes a gene from another creature. .3e Who mal<es points 1-8, the man or the woman? Complete the
points with the adverbs below.
Read the rest of the text. Which view is closer to your own
er--ttirr.:iy t:r.r:ntu;lily fr*r:iy
opinion? .fi*ilr-.ii{:iiii'/,,tri:ri*ii,,r
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1 lt's indefensibte to use animals in experiments.
-'- e-1 e ffi
Iv&ffiffi& ffirT#E 2 lf scientists are attowed to create designer babies, then
one day, peopte who haven't been
be seen as inferior. modified witt
Although it is illegal 3 By altering our DNA, scientists witt - be abte to
in most countries for eliminate the most serious diseases.
scientists to alter the 4 There's no reason why parents shoutdn't be able to
choose whether they have a baby girt or boy.
DNA of human eggs or
5 Artificiat alterations to our genes may have
embryos, experiments unforeseen side effects.
on animals are allowed. 6 , scientists witl never find a cure for cancer unless
ln April 2001 the first experiments on animals are permitted.
7 lf this kind of experiment is permitted, scientists
wil[ go on to create monsters by mixing human and
monkey was born - animaI DNA.
he was called Andi 8 We have to embrace scientific progress, since it's
(representing' lnserted impossible to hotd it back.
DNA backwards). Andi $S t,OO Complete the usefuI expressions for reacting to an
developed from an egg opposingview. Then listen again and check.
into which scientists 1 I don't really with that.
2 That's just an opinion - there's no evidence to it.
had inseded a jellyfish
3 But where will it ?
gene; as a result of which Andi glowed green in 4 That's a fair point, I . But in my view ...
ultraviolet light. 5 That argument doesn't sense.
6 You don't to things to such an extreme.
Dave King, a campaigner against human genetic
7 I mean. But...
engineering, said yesterday: 'lt is science 8 You can't serious.
out of control and at its most irresponsible. -whatyou
di Student As worl< in pairs and Student Bs worl< in pairs.
People should wake up to the fact that genetic
Student As: You agree with the statement below.
engineering of people could be just around the Student Bs: You disagree with the statement below.
corner.' Each write a list of points to support your own position. Use
the points from exercise 4 and your own ideas. Compare your
Simon Fishel from the Park Hospital, Nottingham, tist with your partner.
responded: 'We've been striving for hundreds of
Designer babies will lead to a
thousands of years to eliminate human diseases.
healthier and happier population.
lf we get to the stage in human development
ffi Worl< in new pairs of one Student A and one
where the only way to do that is to attack the
Student B. Discuss the statement in exercise 5. Use
errors in our DNA, then we have to try to attack
expressions from exercise 5 to react to opposing points.
those errors. I see this as positive research.'
Unitl ,Beginnings 11