Page 9 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 9

A A public sehool         Product
           ffi      Read the quotation  from British actor,  Robert  A new form of football  originated  in England during  the
           Morley. What do you think it means? Do you agree with it?  19th century,  taking its name f rom the place  where  it was
           Give reasons.                                            supposedly  invented:  Rugby School. ln the early 1 800s,  football
                      The ball is man's most                        was  played throughout  England  (and  in many other countries
                                                                    too) but there were  no standard rules,  and in most versions
                       disastrous invention.                        of the game, the ball could be caught as well as kicked'
                                                                    However,  running  with the ball was largely outlawed  Legend
           Work in pairs.  How many of the different sports in the photos
                                                                    has it that in 1823. a student at Rugby School  called  William
            can you name?  Can you thinkofany other ball sports?
                                                                    Webb Ellis picked up the ball during a f0otball  match and
                                                                    ran with ittowards  the opposing  goal line This illegal action
            Read  the texts quickly.  What are the three sports, and in what
            chronologicaI  order were they invented?                caused  a permanent  change in the rules ofthe  game'  or so the
                                                                    story  goes, and from that day onwards,  Rugby School  played
                                                                    its own version of football which became  known as Rugby
                                                                     Football.  (The more familiar  kind  of football  is officially  known
             When  doing a muttipte  matching task,  read through the  as Association  Football to distinguish it from Rugby Football')
             questions  before  you read the text carefully.  This way,  To this day, there is an inscription  at Rugby School  celebrating
             you will know what information  you are looking for.
                                                                     truth  0f the events  is highly  questionable,  the story endures  The
         4  Read  the Reoding tip!.Then  read the texts carefully  again.  plaque  reads:   'This  stone commemorates  the exploit of William
            Answer the questions  A, B or C.                         WebbElliswhowithafinedisregardfortherulesof{ootballas
                                                                     played  in his time first t00k the ball in his arms and ran with it
            Which sport:
            7  was invented to keep young peopte  entertained?  tr   thus originating the distinctive  feature
            2  might have been based  on an English  game?  tr       of the Rugby game.'
            3  had a special group of experts set up to uncover       E                     E
              its origins?
              is supposed to have resutted from one player
              breaking  the rutes?
              was later prohibited by the organisation  where it
              was invented?                                                          -Ei+ii;i-;l
            6  was not intended to be played outside?     I
            7  was officiatty dectared  to have  been invented  by
              a member of the armed  forces?
            8  was named  after the place where it was reputedly
              first played?                               tr         '.  : .,,.,,...,;r:!,r'r:tji::lr.:l,,  r. ...,.,,,,,:i,.,.:
            9  was far more successfuI  than its inventor expected?  T  4.?4?i{i$@i*$&r#,*a*4ir*L
           10  was almost certainty first played in Engtand?  tr


       I  i Unitl  .  Beginnings
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