Page 6 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 6
Vocabulary a prefixes s time expressions e adverb cotlocations a adiectives describing
emotionaI states e simites Beginnings
Grammar r phrasaI verbs n talking about habituaI actions
Speaking . talking about chitdhood memories 6 talking about inherited characteristics s tatking
about the origins of [anguages r discussion: genetic engineering H reacting to opposing views
Writing x a descriPtion of an event
I ffiffi Lool<atthe photo of a Match the expressions (1-10) with the synonymous words
child's first day at school. Answer and expressions below.
the questions.
a[[ the time finatty for now immediately occasionalty
1 How do you imagine the chitd is
never never-ending repeatedly then very soon
feeting? Use the words betow to
1 time after time 6 endless
describe his emotions.
2 at the time 7 once in a while
bewildered circumspect 3 for the time being 8 not for a moment
disorientated distraught 4 any moment now 9 at once
. overawed overwhelmed 5 the whole time 10 in the end
preoccupied uneasy
Complete the text with words
unnerved withdrawn
and expressions from exercise 4.
2 What othersituations might
cause similar emotions?
3 What are your own memories S" r.?ritdh*od rnar,r*r1,
ofyour first day at schoo[?
I grew up in central London,
D VOCRSULARY BUITDER 1.1: PREFIXES: WoRKBoOK where it tool< two hours to
PAGE 102 G escape from the city by car or
bus. 1-, dad used to take
2 (b f .Of Listen to four speal<ers tatl<ing about aspects of
us for a drive in the countryside
their childhood. Choose the topic which best matches each
but most of the time, we stayed
ctose to home. So the first time
a primary school (classmates, teachers, subjects, etc.) lvisited my grandparents' house on the coast, I fellin
b best friends love with the seaside )-.3- , my grandparents
c famity retationships were in their sixties and quite fit and heatthy, so they
d favourites (games, food, clothes, fitms, TV shows, books,
woutd come with us to the beach every day. I have such
vivid memories of those'-afternoons that my
e fears and anxieties
sisters and I spent playing in the sea. The water was
f speciaI occasions (birthdays, festivats, etc.) 5-
freezing, but did that put us off! Neither did the
Speal<er1 ! Speakerz! Speaker3! Speal<er4! [arge and powerfuI waves, which used to knock me off
my feet 6-. I woutd taugh, jump up and rush back
3 (il f .Of Complete the phrases the speal<ers use with the 7-.
into the waves We wouldn't want to leave the
words betow. Listen again and checl<. 8-
beach, but , sunset would force us to return to my
catl evocative hindsight ingrained picture
grandparents' house for the night.
reca[1 recollection reminisce traumatic
1 As I , the troubte started when...
2 With , I suppose it was... 6 Choose one topic from exercise 2 to talk about. Thinl< of three
3 I found the whote thing quite memories to include.
4 I can stilL it clearty.
5 ... until it became completely in my memory. 7 ffi Worl< in pairs. Tal<e turns to be A and B.
6 Christmas is a very time for me. Student A: Tetlyour partner about your memories. lnctude
7 I can't to mind many disappointments. as many words and expressions from exercises L, 3 and 4
8 I stitt have a clear- of that smite. as possibte. Then try to answer B's questions.
9 lt woutd be fun to about the good old days.
Student B: Listen carefutly. Then asl< your partner three
questions about his or her memories.
Unit1 " Beginnings 5