Page 4 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 4

p5 Memories                                                                 pB  5portjng  origins
                 Describing  feeLings  (overawed,  bewi ldered,  Grammari  Habitual actions  English  through the ages  The origins of rugby,  basketbalI and baseball
                 etc.)                       &  Talking  about family resemblances  Vocabulary:  Recent coinages  Vocabulary:  Adverb  collocations  Gtau  n ch  ly
                 Prefixes  (dre-,  mis-, under-,  super-,  elc.)    fd  Rudio p,ogrurre  about the origins  opposed,  etc.)
                 Time  expressions  (neverendi ng,  etc-)           of English
                 6t Talking  about childhood
     Get Ready for  your  Exam 1 pl4  .  Reading  M,'ssing  .  Use  of English Open cloze  r  Speaking  Debate
                 p1  5 Coftpound  ,diectives                                                 p78  Lord  of the F{ies
                 Compound  adiectives  (illequipped,  eye-  ls too much  TV  bad  for  you?  Arthur l\4iller & Death  of a Salesman  Extract  from  the novei
                 cat.hin  g,  fo  t  -  rco  (hi  ng.  e|r.'  Vocabulary:  like, unlike  and as  Vocabulary:  Verb  noun  & adjective-noun
                 Compound  nouns  tfeoture  filn,  heart throb,  6d  ,u .i.g  aoout  lVwarrhirg  habits  collocations  (overturn  a verdict,  etc.)
                 etc.)                                              dd  Extract from Death  of 0 Salesman
                 fd  Tatkins  about films
                          .  Language  Review iJnits I  2 p24  .  Skills Round-up  ilnits 1 2 p25                          I
                          .  Use  of Engtish  Word  fornation  gap-fill .  Listening Multiple-choice  statements  r  Reading  Bon&ed gap"fill  I
                 pz7  Relationships                                 i:i;:: :'r11.:  r.r't:r  i;i|:il.  p30 Lcve  congutrs  all
                 Collocalion: Verb + adje.tive  + noun  tform a  Song:  I turn to  you  &  aritish  habits and attitudes  Love  and  War
                 close  friendship,  suffer a major  setback, etc.)  Grammar:  Contrast:  present perfect  concerning  weddings  VocaoularV:  r iteral and  l qL ative laqguage
                 Set  phrases  tbone  drv,  pit(h  btock,  fighting  fit.  simpie and continuous  6i Talking  about different  aspects  of
                 etc.)                       VocabuLary:  Friendship  weddings and matriage
                 [d  Talkirg  about  "eratiolships  $d  Describing  friends
     Get Ready  for your  Exam 3 p36   .  Reading  Muttiple fiatching  .  Use  of Eiglish Error correction
                 p370escribingrhange         :,ili:',r,-rr;riril.r:  ir'lli  rr,, :.'rr :;i'r.!  p4S A new directio*
                 Synonyms  ofchange  (olter, modify, refine, etc)   Grammar:  Comparative  and superlative  {0  Rudio  programme  about  the song  Liltle  stars:  Ana ea ldeger.  tennis sta  tJrned
                 Nouns  formed from verbs  {alterotion,  etc.)  Forms  Strange  Friit        charity  worker
                 Expressions  with change  (change  of heort,  etc.)  ffi  Talking  about  how  people change  Slnging  for  change  Vocdb  Jld'y:  Adjecr ive-noJn collocalions
                  6d talking about changes   as they become  teenagers                       Grammar:  Reduced  relative  clauses
                                                           p411  i.
                                       3r+:p16  :.shjlls !ol.!!i!i!:q{t5::.114   :,
                          1t41.gu1se1$-e,vi'ew,unix!                                                                      I
                          .  Reading  Tr u elFalse /Not stated  .  U54 of Engli  sh Sen ter.e  f/a  n sfo r n atio  n
                 p49Wardndpeace                                                              p52 Wildlife  warrior
                 Words  relaipd  lowa" ttoolition, insurgent5,  ett.)  HeaLthy  Arguments?  The suffragettes  Steve  lrwin
                 Verb"noun  collocations  {i  nfli ct cosuolti  es, elc.)  Grammar:  for  + noun/pronoun  +  6b  Song:  Slsfers  are doing it  for  Vocabulary:  Verb-noun  collocations  {shake  off  a
                 ldioms  (drop  o bombshell,  etc.)  i nfinitive    themselves               cold,  pronounce sen lenr e. er..)
                 Adiective suffixes  (-ol,  -ous,  -/ess,  etc.)  $  Talking  about family arguments
                  6d the Battle of the  Somme
     Get  Ready for  your  Exafi  5 p58   .  Sp€aking Prrure"  bosed  discussion  r  Use of English  Mu ltip{e-choice  gap-fill .  Listenifig  True/False/Not  stoted
                 p59 Lookifrg  inta th€ future  I   .,r'r.:-r:r-::i                          p62 5leep-deprived  teenagrrs
                 Synonyms  of predicl  (anticipate, prophesy,  etc.)  Why do we dream?  The Eurcpean  Union  er :leepiag  leeragers  lie
                 Fxo'essiols  lor olars  dno predicriors  (sel  your  Grammar:  Phrasal verbs  -  particles  and  Vocdb-lary:  Verb.  ro-r (ollocdt:o1s  Dictionary  work:  using  a dictionary  of
                 sights  on,  in the  foreseeable  future,  elc.)  their  meanings  (bring  benefits, exercise  control,  etc.)  coLtocations
                 GrdTmdr: Tdll irg about the  tut,  e  6i  Talking  about dreams  Vocabulary: Dependent  prepositions  (2J  Vocabulary:  Cotlocations  of sleep
                  Q  Where  do  you  seevourself  in 10  vears'  time  (benelil   lron.  the  key to, tope  tuilh,  etL.)  Vocabulary: Register  (sfop/ceas  e, ke  e p  /  reta  i n,
                                                                     6d ooirior'  on the E rrooean  Un:01  oLlaw/permit,  etc.)
                          :.i  lqxgugge.Rev.lew  units,l:t6  p68lrr5-kiii:ii9lr.!.q:u.p::Uqit5-1...6   p49:,::'
     Get  Ready foriour Exam 6 p/0  .  Read ing Boflied  qap-,[i  /  .  l,Jse of Engl ish Sentence  tro nsfornotion  .  Speaking  Picture  -bosed  discussion  I
                 p71  Travelling ailout      ii.   .,i.:';i,:.r.   i.i  r i  :i : t,,i..  ,r   :.rr  r  ,  ,:  r|,  r:   1  074  Time  travel
                 Synonyms  ot  journey  {tour,  pilgrimage, elc.)  Grammar:  -irg  forms  with  preparatory  ll  Vocab-l"ry:  \oJns related  to p'"asal  TiTe ira!el  lor beginners
                 lnformaI language  {whinge,  heoving, etc.)  Vocabulary: Phrases for'softening'  v erbs  (b  reo  kth ro u  g h,  g et to g eth e r,  Vocdb"ld.v:  EarilV confLSed  woras linler/imply,
                 PhrasaI verbs  (drop  off, see off,  stop by, etc.)  ideas (in  o way,  or whatever, elc.)  comebock,  etc.)  etc.)
                 Phrasal verbs  with run  and wolk  fd  Talking  about  tourist  destinations  Vocabu."-y:  ho.r sullires (-:ion.  etc.)  Vocabulary: Linkers  that refer to other people's
                 Synonyrs  ol wqlk (sauntet,  traipse,  elc  .)      Si  Rudio  progrurre  about migration to  expectations  {the  ploin  fact  is, to tell the  truth,
                  6d TraveLs                                        the  LJK over the ages   etc.)
     Get  Beady foryour Exam 7  p80  .  Speaking Prtule-  based  discussion  .  Use of English Open  cloze  .  Listening ldentify'ing  true  statements
                 p81 Fashion                                         ,.ai:,r, .,,  ,  t.::ii:,i  p84 Food ofihe future
                 Ctothes  and style          IVleat for vegetarians  0ur  gang               Nano-food
                 Two-part  adiectives        Grammar:  would        Vocabulary:  ColloquiaL  language  Vocabulary: Food related  words and phrases
                 Clothes  idioms  (.offthe  cuff,etc.)  fd Tatkins  about attitudes  to food  (wonnabe,  clued  up, crew, et..)  (shelf  life, etc.)
                  &  Talking  about ctothes and  fashion                                     Vocab,la  y: la.  (;rg  about 'ood
       ':-t.,.:f,:.:]r..:..,:'..,1  r'.t.t':'rr,'r.,.  .LanFuageRevibwunitsZ  8pgoitskilkRo.qllg:.up'lnliF.1rq.p91l  :.  .
     Get  Ready for your  EEm  8 p92   .  Listening Senlenc e completion.  Use  of English  Mu ltiple-(hoi(e  qop-fill    I
                 p9l  Gossip                                                                 p96 (on$piracy  th€ories
                 Expressions  related  to  gossip  and secrets   How to keep  a secret  Extract from The Secret Aqent  Conspiracy  theorists:  are they  out to get you?
                 (eavesdrop,  indiscreet, drop a bombshell,  etc.)  Style: using  phrases  noi  single-word  fd  lnformation  aboutloseph  Conrad  Vocabulary:  LiteraI  and figurative  language  (rich/
                 Giving  and  withlrolding  information  (blob,  etc.)  veths (talk/have  a tolk,  etc.)  rolling  in money,  elc)
                  ft  Listening  to gossip   Vocabulary: Colloquiai omissions
     6et Ready foryour Exam 9 pL02   t Listening Multiple"choice  statements  .  Use  of English Ero  r corredion  .  Speaking Debate  I
                  p103  Fareurell                                    1  ]]   i.],i,:]]i   ;t1i,i:j]1.]li  p106  lmmorrality
                 Synonyms  of end  and finish  (cease,  etc.)  VocabuLary:  The environment  (polar lce  Vocabulary:  Adjectives to describe  films  Would  you  die of boredom if you  lived forever?
                 Diclionarv work:  SVnonvms  caps,  degrade,  etc.)  (connotation)           Vocabulary:  Negative  prefixes  and suffixes
                 Synonyms  and antonyms  {lu  cky  /fo  rtu  itou s,  Vocabulary:  Verb'noun coilocations  6d  A film  critic talking  about  the endings
                 u n I u cky  /  i ll  -  fate  d, etc.)  Grammar:  Wh7tever,  whoever, etc.  of films
                  Sil  Fit'acts trom a variely ol lexl  lypes  [d Tatking  about gtobal  threats  Vocabutary:  Adverbs  of degree
                          .,inrslrageR;vie*ur,iiig'id;iiz.itiiiiGx;iiidr,i;ilV{iii;,ip4r':il:r:r,r',r'   '.:','r:,:r  :::,,':'.l.lrri;  l'.,..'f
     Get Ready foryour Exam X0  p1  1 4  .  Reading  mrbslng  sentenres  .  Speakin g Picture  based  discussioh
                          ..  LITERATUREANDCULTUREtE55OIiSpI3i   COMMUNICATIVEACTIVITIESpI5l   6& Listening(1.01=disl(1,tracl(1/2.01=disk2,track1)
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9