Page 7 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 7
A ffiffi Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. ft t.O: Listen again. What exact words do the speakers
use to express these ideas?
1 l've got the same kind of nose as my dad.
2 l've inherited my mum's personatity.
3 We deatwith stressful probtems in a very simitar way.
4 I lool< extremely similar to my granddad.
5 Other peopte can see that my sister and I are from the
same famity.
6 My brother does not look simitar to any other family
7 I can see clear similarities between me and my dad.
8 The habit must have been inherited.
Write five sentences comparingyourself to famity members.
Twins Ryan and Leo were born in Germany in 2008. Use expressions from your answers to exercise 4.
Study these sentences. Underline the verb forms for tatl<ing
1 What physicat and mentaI traits can be inherited?
about habituaI behaviour. Comptete the chart (f -8) with the
2 What physical and mentaI traits can onty be aquired?
sentences (a-h) betow.
tr 6& t.OZ ln pairs, complete the quiz questions using the a My grandmother used to suck the third finger on her left
words below, then choose the correct answers. Listen and han d.
checl<. b l'll often catI my mum to talk about my probtems.
c People were atways mistal<ing us for twins.
L:as** chr*nn*$*rir** r.*,i* fler'I{.jri''}{t iT+ii"u irxit
d I'd deliberately wear very different clothes from my
1 DNA is often described as the 'double _' because: b roth e r.
a every cell contains two genes.
e My sister will phone me late at night for a chat.
b its structure is arranged in pairs. f My brother is forever borrowing my clothes.
c there are two different kinds of DNA. My grandfather woutd insist on driving without a seatbett.
2 How many pairs of are found in most human cetls? c I usually like the same music as my dad.
a 23 b 46 c more than a million
3 How many different chemica[ , the fundamental
buitding btocks of DNA, are there?
a4 b40 c4,000
4 How many genes, approximately, are described in the
human , a complete map of human DNA? disapproval
a 250 b 25,000 c 25 miltion -i'&t
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Humans share about 50 per cent oftheir genetic
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ffi Work in pairs. Thinl< of five examptes of things
a chimpanzees. b dotphins. c bananas.
A recessive gene shared by both parents causes offspring which a family member often does or often used to do. Then
to have a personatity or physicaI which: tell your partner, using as many different verb forms as
a none oftheir ancestors had.
possible from exercise 6.
b only their grandparents had.
c certain ancestors had, but not their parents. Prepare an interview for your partner about menta[ or
physicat traits inherited from parents or grandparents.
ffi $il f .O: Listen to a dialogue between three people tall<ing
Use the list from exercise 3 to write six questions and try to
about family similarities. Which of these things do they
include expressions from your answers to exercise 4.
I Whic.h of lour parvnl* or grandparenlr do 1ou bear lht.
a strong physicat resemblance
*Ironge* phlsical rosemb\ancv Io?
b similar personality traits
c simitar tastes and hobbies ffi Worl< in pairs. Tal<e turns to be A and B.
d a shared childhood habit Student A: lnterview B using your questions from exercise B.
e similar politicatviews Student B: Answer A's questions. Use expressions and verb
f a shared tatent forms from exercises 4 and 6 where appropriate.
6i Unit 1 , Beginnings