Page 8 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 8

3  Worl< in pairs.  Lool<  at excerpts  1-5 and match them with the
           works  of Engtish [iterature (a-e)  from which  they are taken.
           Which words  gave you the clues?
           1 'l never had one hour's  happiness in her society, and yet
             my mind all round the four-and-twenty  hours  was harping
             on the happiness of having her with me unto death.'
           2 'Ol she doth teach  the torches to burn bright.'
           3 'Hwat!  We Gardena in geardagum,
             peodcyninga,         prym  gefrunon,
             hu 6a epelingas      ellen fremedon.'
           4 'lt was the day my grandmother  exploded.'
           5 'With us ther was a Doctour  of Phisik,
             ln al this world  ne was ther noon hym lik,
             To speke  of phisik  and of surgerye,
             For he was grounded  in astronomye.'
           a Beowulf, an epic poem  composed by an unl<nown author
             some time between 800 and 1200.
           b The Canterbury  Tales, a cottection of stories written in the
             fourteenth  century by the poet Geoffrey  Chaucer.
           c Romeo ond Juliet, a ptay by William Shakespeare,  written
             around 1594.
                                                                &  fUatch the words  (r-8), which have allentered  the English
           d Great  Expectotions,  a noveI  by Charles Dickens, written
                                                                   language  recently, with their definitions  (a-h). Can you worl<
             in 1860.
                                                                   out how the words  were formed?
           e The Crow Road, a novel  by lain Banks, written in L992.
                                                                   1 neet                5  newpeat
        tr  ft  f .O+ Listen to a radio programme  about the origins of  2 shedquarters  6  sturb
           the Engtish language.  What are the three main phases in its  3 peerents      7  glocatisation
           history?  Complete the terms.                           4 moregeoisie         8  locavores
           7  O         English  (also l<nown  as Anglo-Saxon)     a parents  who try to be like their chitdren's friends
           2  M         Engtish                                    b a suburban  area with very poor housing
           3  M         Engtish
                                                                   c a W episode which is shown again  with extra material
                                                                      not previously inctuded
           db  f .O+ Listen again.  Complete each  sentence with up to
           three  words.                                           d young people  who are not in employment,  education
                                                                      or training
           1 Before the fifth century,  the inhabitants  of Britain spoke
                                                                    e when multinational companies try to respect  local
             va rio us LY\|ic \anguagYt.
                                                                      customs and sensitivities
           2 When Britain was invaded by Germanic  tribes  during the
                                                                   f  consumers  who strive to acquire more than others
             fifth century,  the native population  went to live in Wates,
                                                                    g people  who onty eat food which is produced near to
                                                                      their home
           3 Many  Engtish words derived from  Anglo-Saxon  are a
                                                                    h a home  office in the garden
             reflection  of their
           4 Along  with the word for school, one thing which the
                                                                 S ffi      How much do you l<now  about the origins of your
             Anglo-Saxons  borrowed from the Romans  was
                                                                    own language? Discuss  the questions  with the class.
           5 The Viking raiders  who came to Britain around 900
             mostly settled  in the   parts of the country.         1 How much has your language  changed  over the past
           6 From the eleventh century  onwards, Engtish word order   1,000 years?  Would  you be able to understand  a text
             became           -                                       written L,000 years ago?
           7 The words beef and mutton  reftect the fact that, in the  2 Which  other languages  are most ctosely  related  to your
             Middte Ages, the weatthiest  people in Britain were      own language? Why?
                                                                      Does your language  contain words derived from Latin or
             The era of Modern English  is genera[[y  accepted  to    Greek?  Give examptes.
             coincide approximatety with the invention  of            Does your language  contain  many words derived from
             Today,  the Engtish  [anguage  is being shaped not only by  Engtish?  Are they otd or recent acquisitions?
             peopte  who speak it as a mother tongue, but increasingly  Can you think of any words which  have been added to
              by the vast number of                                   your language  in the past 5-10 years?

                                                                                                    Unitl  Beginnings  :7
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