Page 10 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 10

5  Match the highlighted  adverbs  in the text with their
         B  A Canadian invention
                                                                   1 by and large            7 untidily
                                                                   2 staunchly               8 paradoxicaIty
         James Naismith  was a Canadian  physical  education instructor
                                                                   3 swiftly
         who worked  at the  yMCA  (young  Men s Christian  Association)                     9 extensively
                                                                   4 purportedly            10 unambiguousty
         training  school in Springfield, Massachusetts,  in the USA.  ln
                                                                   5 effectivety
         1891,  he was asked to devise  a new sport which the students                      11 forwards
                                                                   6 thereby
         could play  indoors  during  the winter  to stave  off boredom.                    12 vaguety
         Naismith came  up with a game  which  involved  two teams of
                                                                   LOOK  OUT!
         nine players  trying t0 throw a ball into peach  baskets  which
         were fixed  to the wall at either end of the gym. lt was loosely  Words with the same meaning do not atways  collocate  in
         based  on a game from his own childhood called            the same way. For example, we can say This is your  big
                                                  on a
         rock'. 0n l5 January  1gg2,  he published  the rules of his new  chance! but not This is your lorge chancel, even though
         game, which he called basketball.  Naismith,s  handwritten
                                                                   big and large are synonyms. A good  dictionary  witt include
                                                                   information about  cottocations.
        diaries,  which  were discovered by his granddaughter  in 2006,
        reveal  that he was anxious  about the new game  ind thought it
        would prove  a failure, like many other atte;pts  at inventing new
                                                                   Read the Look out! box. Then complete  the sentences with
        indoor  sports. 0n the contrary,  the game  was a huge success
                                                                   the adverb  (a-c)  that collocates  best.
        and rapidly became  very popular  throughout the USA,  spreading
        across  the c0untry  through the nehryork  of  yMCA  gyms  and  1 The practice oftaking  drugs  to enhance  athletic
        beyond.  (lronically,  the  yMCA                             performance is     agreed to have  begun  in ancient
                               banned the game from its gyms
        a few years later because it was too rough-.) In 1gg3, iron lioops
                                                                     a largely
        with nets were introduced to replace  thJoriginal  baskets.               -  b generally  c chiefly
                                                                   2 ln the 1930s, the first amphetamines  were produced,  but
        However,  it was another  ten years  before open_ended  nets were
        developed;  pri0r  to that, players  had to climb up and retrieve the  were not   available for a few decades.
        ball from  the net whenever  a basket was scored.            a widely      b broadty     c extensivety
                                                                   3 At the 1952 Otympics,  speed skaters  who had taken
                                                                     amphetamines  became      itt.
                                                                     a grimty      b gravety     c solemnly
        C An all-American sport                                    4 ln 1.968, the lnternationa[
                                                                                         -  0tympic  Committee issued
                                                                     its first Iist of substances  that athletes were
        ln 1905,  a famous  sportswriter  named  Henry Chadwick  wrote  prohibited  from taking.
        an article  suggesting  that baseball evolved  from the old  English
        game of rounders.  This upset Albert  Spalding,  one of the game's  a firmly  b rigorousty  c strictly
        earliest  players  and a manufacturer  o{ sports equipment  He  5 ln 1.991., twenty ex-East German swimming coaches
        resolutely refused  t0 accept that the  great  American  game did   admitted  giving anabotic steroids to their former
        not originate  in America. So Spalding  organised a commission  of  charges during the 1970s.
        seven  prominent and patriotic  men to determine  the  'true  origin'  a openly   b overtty   c plainly
        of baseball.  The  project was widely  reported in the newspapers'  6 ln 1,994,   renowned footballer Diego Maradona
        ln charge of the commission  was Colonel  Mills of New  York' He  was banned from the World Cup for taking  drugs.
        had played  baseball before and during  the Civil War and was the  a gtobatty  b universally c internationally
        fourth  president of the National League in 1884  The commission's
        investigations  were  essentially at a dead  end until Abner Graves,  7 ln 2003, a British sprinter  called Dwain  Chambers  tested
                                                                      positive for THG, a
         a mining  engineer  from Denver who was travelling through  0hio                  invented steroid.
         at the time, happened  t0 see a newspaper article  about  it' He  a freshly   b tatety   c newly
         sat down in his hotel room and wrote a long letter to the Mills  8 Today,  while the vast malority of people are
         Commission.  Iri the letter,  Graves stated categorically  that at  opposed to the use of drugs in sport,  detection  remains  a
         Cooperstown  in 1839  he had watched  a US army officer  called  real problem for the governing bodies.
         Abner Doubleday  scratching  out a baseball pitch on the ground  a staunchly b securely  c steadily
         and instructing  other  y0ung  men how to play baseball  with
         teams  of eleven  players  and four bases'  Graves described  how  ffi   Discuss  the question in groups.  Then  compare
         the ball that they used was made of roughly-stitched  horse-hide  your  ideas with the class.
         and stuffed with rags. The Mills  commissioners and Spalding
         were  elated.  They  promptly proclaimed baseball  was invented  lf you could 'un-invent' one sport so that it no [onger
         by an American  army officel Abner Doubleday,  in Cooperstown  existed, which woutd you choose, and why?
         in 1839. The only  evidence  for this was the testimony of Graves,
         who was  perhaps  notthe most reliable of witnesses'  A year later,
         he murdered his wife and was  committed  to an asylum for the
         criminally  insane.

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                                                                                                   Unit 1  Beginnings  I t
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