Page 5 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 5
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Types 1 4 Vocabulary: Phrases for reacting to an opposing view (Thot's o foir Style: Long and short sentences Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe emotionaL
Phrasal verbs: passive and infinitive point, I suppose. But in my view, ... etc.) VocabuLary: Simites (os white as snow, states @e rp Lexed, remorseful, d i sillusion ed, etc.)
forms 6d Reacting to an opposing view etc.) Dictionary work: Finding synonyms
t4lould, past perfect, future in the past, Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs (hang out with, kick sb out, etc.) A film review Vocabutary: Adiectlves describingfilms (1ow"
etc. VocabuLary: Verb-noun collocations (skip school, etc.) Using participle clauses to improve style budqet, wackV, x-r1ied, elc.)
Simpte and continuous forms GTammar: Specutating Vocabulary: Aspects of filns (soundtrack, Vocabulary: I!4od ifyif g adverbs wlth gradable/
fd Describing photos of homeless people screenploy, etc,) n on-gradable a d jecil'Jes (.exi r e m e ly, fa i r ly, etc.)
Verb patterns Vocabulary: Comparative phrases Describing a place Vocabulary: Adjectives for descric ng p:aces
Dictionary work: Finding out about verb Vocabulary: Phrases for negotiating (l'll go olang with that, hove we Style: Using more eLaborate vocabulary lbustli n g, tou risty, sprawLi n g, el..'\
patterns cofre to a decision? etc.) Vocabulary: Synonyms (i nteresti n g, Dictionary work: Dependent preposii cis i-t'
& Talking aboutthe relative merits of different caf6s captivati ng, g ri ppi ng, fasci noti ng, etc.) (renowned for, reminiscent af, etc.'l
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1st, 2nd, 3rd and mixed conditionals Urban change Topic sentences Vocabulary: Speculating (lt's bound ta hqpper
lnversion when lf omitted 6d tult ing dbout planleo c drge- lo a rown rertre Vocabulary: neither ... nor, either ... ar, not there's no chonce af it happening, etc.)
cs long as, supposing, provided, unless Vocabulary: Expressing opinions (.That's how I see it, to my mind, etc.) only... but olso, etc.
Reduced infinitives Functional phrases Considering the target audience Vocabulary: Linkers for addition (apartfrom,
0mission of main verb after modaL or Vocabulary: Changing the subiect; Acknowledging an opposing view; Writing a good opening olong with, to boat, elc.)
auxiliary verb Dismissing an opposing view; Referring to something said earlier Vocabutary: Personal qualities (oltrulsm,
$ Listening to a presentation a m i a b i li ty, tru stwo rth i n es s, elc.)
Vocabulary: Word families
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Reporting verbs Vocabutary: Synonyms of prize (oward, reward, trophy, etc.) Styte: Adverbs. aclerti,,,es, e:i.
Adverbs and reporied speech Vocabulary: ldioms for expressin g joy (over the moo n, th ri lled to bits, VocabrLa.-,r AC.':'ls ai: ;a,reii !liases
Conveying tone and emotion jumping for joy, etc.) .:'r,te af c pcsii t:
Reporting speech withoul using precise Vocabulary: Concession and counter-argumenl (aLl the some. gerled, |caa:!.3rr: 0iCer oa adjectives
',vords spoken mind you, etc.) !!.ac!iary: Reporting verbs (groon, etc.)
$ Specutating about a photo Grammar: Punctuating reported speech
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ateft sentences Eco-friendly tourism Appropriate style Vocabulary: HolidaV probLems and complaints
6b Listening to presentations Cotrect layout
:ronting phrases
Coldidfor emotive or contrastive Vocabulary: Expressions for describing benefits and drawbacks (have Vocabulary: Formal language (l trust you
emphasis a detrimental effect, of mutuol benefit, et..) will ensure, we regret ta inform you, etc.)
Vocabulary: Expressing cause, purpose and result (1eod to, etc.)
Vocabulary: Generalising (to a greot extent, by ond large, elc.)
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lverview of modals Vocabutary: Phrases for describing statistics, graphs and charts Recommending local music venues and VocabularV: Connotation latte ntive/ i ntrus ive
Vocabulary: Verbs for describing trends (rocketed, slumped, elc.) restaurants b ustl i n g / c rowd ed, li g ht/ i n s u b sto n ti o l, elc.)
Vocabulary: Phrases for giving estimates (i, the region of, etc.) Layout of a report
6d Talking about different kinds of chart Vocabrlarv: Deriphra<is and eupLemi.r
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Participte phrases Vocabulary: Phrases for drawing logicat conclusions Vocabulary: Phrases for introductions Editing your work without damaging the meaning
Vocabulary: Vague language Grammar: Passive structures wilh beLieve, or flow
[d Comparing and contrasting photos consider, elc.
vocab-ldry: Adjec'ive-roun r ollorarions
' i.t,:l:i..i -:., rr. r.,
f,repositions in reLative cLauses Paraphrasing and correcting yourself Writing a good conclusion Grammar: mpersonal structures for introducing
ReIative cLauses Avoiding repetition Vocabulary: Round up of usefuL phrases opinions (lt would be wrang to suggest that, etc.)
6d Listening to presentations and Linkers (lt would be hard to deny thot, Style: Using stylistically appropriate language
moreover, etc,) hd q il ted ly. ( u rrc n lly. i n co n cei I o bt e, el(.
6d Expressing opinions
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