Page 14 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 14

Lool<  at the adjectives  for describing emotional states  below  5 When the phone rang, I answered  it immediatety  and
           and find pairs with similar meanings.  Then  say when you  knew immediately  that something  was wrong.
           might experience  these  states.                         6 I found  my father's  diary and found  an old postcard
                                                                      inside it.

                                                                    ffi'ffiffi  Worl< in pairs.  Choose  two 'firsts'from  the tist
                                                                    below  and discuss your personal  memories.  Use adjectives
                                                                    from  exercises 1-3 where  appropriate.
           annolod  - irri'la'iod                                   1 your first day at a new schooI
           You miqht  toe\ annoled or irrilatod if  lour  brolhar p\a1ed  loud  2 your first trip abroad
           music  \,^rhiio  y0u ur?t", lrying  '10  revise.         3 the first time you met a ctose friend
                                                                    4 the first CD or DVD you ever bought
                                               r:r'r  r :r:r''
                             ,,,,,  ,,,:l:it]iilr,t,,ali::illi:l1lll,:r:li::lr:ar:::::irr:lr:'i:
                                                                    5 your first romantic date
                                                                    6 your first day at worl(
             Use synonyms (words  with the same meaning) to avoid
             repetition.  A good dictionary  may provide information  7 your  first visit to a [arge city
                                                                    8 the day you got your first pet
             about synonyms.
                                                                    You have  been asl<ed to write an article for your school
           Read the Writing frp. Then looh at the extract from the  magazine.  Follow  the plan  below to describe  one of the
           Oxford Advanced  Learner's  Dictionary  and answer  the  events thatyou chose in exercise 4.
           questions  below.
                                                                     1 When and where did it happen?  How old were you?
                                                                       Who else was there?
                                                                     2 What are your strongest memories?  What happened?
            mad  . indignant.  cross.  irate
                                                                       How did you fee[?
            AII these words  describe  people feeling  and/or showing
                                                                     3 What other memories do you have of the occasion?
            angry feeling  or showing  anger:  Pleose  don't  be ongry
             with me.  o Thousonds  of angry demanstratc:rs  Jilled  the  How did it end?
            rnad  fnot  before  nr:un)linformal,  especially NArE) angry:  4 What happened afterwards? How do you feel about it
             He got med  and walked out. o Sfie's  mad at melot beitg  now, looking  back?
             late.  filEtrTe  Mad  is the  usual  word  for'angry'  in in{ormal
             American  English:  When used in Brltish  English.
             especially in the  phrase  go msd,ittan  mean  'very  angry':
             Dad'll  go mad when he sees what you've done.'Go  mad'
             can  also mean 'go crazy' cr'get  very excited'.       Worl< in pairs.
            indignani ieeiing or showing  anger  and surprise       1 Look at your partner's  notes  from exercise  5 and write
              because  you  think that you  or sb else has  been  lreated
              unlairly. She  was v€ry indiqnaot  at the  way  she  had been  down  three questions to ask.
             treated.                                               2 Asl< and answer  the questions you wrote down.
             tres*  (rather infontal,  especially Br$ rathe{ angry or
             annoyed:  I uuas quite  cross with him  lar  being  ldle. rlFffi  3 Use your answers  to your partner's  questions to add
             This word is often used  by or to children.              more detaits to your ptan.
             irate very angry:  irate  customers  c, an irate letter$ffiE
              lrate  is nol  usually followed by a preposiiion:S#**as  Write an article of 200-250 words  fotlowingyour  plan.
                                                                    Remember  to use synonyms  to avoid too much repetition  and
            Which of the four synonym s of angry are you most likely to  to include  at least one simite.
                                                                    Checl<  your worl< using the list betow.
            1 if you're  six years otd?
            2 if you're from New York?
            3 if you're describing  unfair treatment?
            4 if you're describing  an extreme  feeling?             Have you:
                                                                        followed  the  ptan  correctly?
            Rewrite the sentences  using synonyms  to avoid  repetition.  written  the correct  number of words?
            Use a dictionary to hetp you, if necessary.                 used synonyms?
            1 The room was very large with very large windows.          inctuded at least one simite?
                                                                        used at least one short sentence  to add emphasis or
            2 She was a thin woman with a thin face.
                                                                        build suspense?
            3 My ctothes  were wet and my hair was wet.
                                                                        checked  the spetting and grammar?
            4 I could see the beautiful  mountains  and beautifu[  [akes.
                                                                                                    Unit 1 ' Beginnings  t3
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