Page 17 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 17
Complete the text with appropriate words. Write one word ffi Ask and answer the questions in exercise 4. Give
only in each gap.
reasons and examples.
Too murh TU rnoy reiull I_ o(odemi( foilure $fi f .OA Complete these sentences from the tistening with
2-television like, unlike or as. Then listen again and check.
Ieenogers who wskh several hours u doy do wors*
3- a And she's 'Why are you watching that rubbish?,
ol school ond ore less likely to grudunle lheir peers! 0 new
b My parents are a bit _ that too.
sludy suggesls. The 20-yecr $udy involving neorly 700 fumilies in the
c I don't have a TV in my bedroom, Chris does.
USA found thd lhose wutrhing more thon three hours of TV u doy were d We watch dramas and films mainly, and series,
holf os likely rontinue their edurstion post high srhool"
e The stories are fascinating, _
ln fie mid-1980s scientists begon interviewing I4-yeur-olds from 678 are the characters.
fomilies obout their television viewing hubits" They rko osked the feens' Heroes,losf is set in the real world.
porenls os whether ihe youngsters hod ony behuviourul or
arodemic difficulties. Ihe reseorchers continued rollecting informution -
from the porents ond interviewed the teens ognin ot nge-l 6, ond ngoin
ot uges ?2 snd 33.
Al oge i 4, most of the rhildren wst(hed snr und three hours
sf television each doy, while thirteen per (eni wqi(hed more *on {sur
hours, und ten per rent wutrhed less lhun one hour. The seienti$s {ound
lhot 30 per cenl of students who wntrhed msre fhon three hcurs of
lelevision ol age I4 hsd uttention problems _suhsequent yeurs,
und fell hehind or failed to grcduote hy oge ?2. rounpurison,
only fifteen per rent of those who watched less thun one hour of Td ut
oge I4 showed *e some ailention defirits later 's
Read lhe Learn this! box. Match the sentences (a-f) from
Olher experts, however, soy the link is unrlesr und moinlqin thd the
r0- exercise 6 with uses 1-6.
study does not provide slrong evidenre o rcusul reiutionship
between television viewing nnd subsequent utieniion dif{iruhies. Teeni like, unlike and as \ ;
"- leurning disorders might simply he more likely io wuteh o lot We can use like or os to describe simitarities.
of TV becuuse they find adivitim 12_ us reuding textbooks too 7 like is a preposition and comes before a noun or
chollenging. pronoun.
You're like a child! 1
ffi Discuss this question: Should parents restrict the 2 os is a conjunction and comes before a clause (subject
amount of W their children watch? Justify your opinions. and verb / auxitiary).
She's scared, os we oll are.
$ f .OA Listen to three people discussing television. What 3 We often use like as a conjunction instead of as. lt's
reasons for watching W do they mention? Choose from: less forma[.
h,;rit*'i,*r'r'i e:rli.,ir;i;:rli ir*:t{.ireiii- a**jr:rfrn*nl. ;J:,r..jiri:1n! He fooled me, like he fooled everybody. 2 _
i#r'ntiir eil"siuil,!, i!:ti151 t.;".r ii,,grni; :)i ."/r) ri:L,*x,l$:i*t 4 We sometimes invert the subject and verb after as (but
never after like).
snl i *i',.r,i n g,l il l i * * i t,; n : : r'i q.: l rl r;l i i il { e l'r,.*t lr *t !t i r-l +r a d l,,i q,*
.. r ..r.1 " : ..i".r. ,. ," { He's toll, os is his father. )
5 We use the prepositi on unlike to describe differences.
Complete the questions with the words below. Use the Unlike you, I love American comedies. 4_
correct form ofthe verbs. 6 We use /ike to give examples. 5_
j 7 ln very informalspeech, we can use be + liketo
pr--ii'giii'.,, i'ud:lfui*ll tiflt ilr:th;*, *nysiilr.i lryre!l iir;;.,i,,: j introduce somebody's words. !
1 Do you watch W i He was like, 't'm so hoppy!' 6 _ i
2 Do you agree there's a lot of _ on TV? i-*---""_-*_.-"*."__*-.-*--_"."--._--1 i
3 Do you tike _ romantic comedies?
4 Are you critical of the way women on TV? Uml$ $&,lfl{WA{ Uiiil}rl il.,:i: .,tS .{ru'} li,{rr p,&Sn :! i ri {Xm
5 Can you think of a reatty character in a W series? ffiffi Discuss with a partner. Do you thinl< men and
6 Do you prefer fantasy series to TV dramas _ in the women have different tastes in films and W programmes?
real world? Give reasons and examples.
16 Unit 2 ' Stories