Page 26 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 26

Speaking                                                4  Forquestions 1-8, choose the correct extract  (A-D).
                                                                   Which writer says that he or she:
        1 Worl< in pairs.  Decide  what  the three most important
                                                                   1 responds  wett in difficutt situations?
           personatity  traits  are for worl<ing  in a [arge,  office-based
                                                                   2 does not find his/her current  job  demanding  enough?
                                                                   3 has tived in several  different  countries?
        2  Compare  your  ideas with another pair. Can you agree on a  4 has the technicaI skills necessary?
           joint'top  three'?                                      5 co-operates  wett with other workers?
                                                                   6 initiatly  worked in education?
                                                                   7 is keen to raise his/her level of Engtish?
                                                                   8 has a good knowledge ofthe business as a whote?
        3  Look  quickly  at the four extracts  written  by four different
           people  and decide:                                  Listening
           a what type of text they are all from.                                     I..
           b what the topic of each paragraph is.
          A                to ba a  pi{-siarier  who  can shov'r  irriliati'r
              I eonsidor  ryee\f
              rnhrn  appropriata. i am alto a laarn pizfr vriih wcsl\on1
              cnmmunira.tion  tkilir and a 5lt\5v of humour.  Ae m1
              ro{rrsnror  !,ri11,  i am ,,rell-organisad  in m1 approarh
              to worK and havo thr 1a manaqo \arge and comp\ox
              projoc'i* uiih tho miilimum of futt. t hava  a pragma.lir
              approach  to problam-solvinE  and beliovr  that almo*1  no"thing
               ir impo**iblo, givrn tha right  aiiilude  and abiliiies.

              llavinq vnrked aI; a a:mVarably-eized  la4ie;tice  com?anJ  ir,
              Riga for rncr"e  Lhan  three years.l  firmly  beiieve LhaL  i have tlte  _**%€qr4q
                                        ?a;ir,ion  al ln-ver?oet..  j  aryt
              necescatry  Droqramft.,ino,  ekille for Lhis
             famiiiar vlith ail af t"he p,r'oqrarnmtncl  lanquaqee  fia5T,Nide1y-rot)d,
             kt';hie field,  tncludin4  XHTN.JL, CS1Z|Z and )avaAcrio-u.  i have  -ri:.ri,..
             alao acqulred  a qood  underel;anding  of how l,heioqisLics  ana
                                                                5   6d  t.t 3 Listen to a  job interview. Which  of the extracts  in
             distribufiott.  lndueLry  iuncl;lona.  A,e well  as beinq a fluenf,  F-nq)iah-
                                                                   exercise 3 did Edgars write?
             aae aker,I  am also fluertt  tn LaLvlart  (.my  moLher  l;onclue)  and
             F eera... >nsl nave d,nc)  lnc*lcdqe at irete n
                                                                6   ffi  r . r :  Listen again. Answer the questions.
                                                                   1 What  is the main purpose of Edgars's visit to the UK?
             Although  m1 currrenlinb  offi.rrd a dograo  of challangr  ai tho  2 What  jol<e  does the interviewer  mal<e when they're
             *.iari, I havo nnw raachrd  a *taqv vthrrY I  to broadon  ni1  tatking about visits to Edgars's  hometand?
              pro{o*rionai  hori:-one in ordpr  "io  dovoiop  mI irili$ iurihar.  3 Why does the interviewer continue the interview when
             that i* wh1 | an Yoen lo rnovs  to a \argor  companl  {n  the fire alarm first sounds?
              addition,  \ an'i zwarv  that a high lavol cf flrrrncl  in Onglith  Why does the interviewer offer Edgars  the  iob  and press
              ib a grlai  ztmt profesoionalll,  'nrhich  i* w\ i intond  'io  lpend  him for a response, rather  than waiting  for a letter to be
              a rninir'lrLifl oi 1',.r0  1oar"t   in an 9ngli*h-$PraKin$  countrl  "to  sent?
              prr{rct m1 \anguagr  *kille                            What assistance does the interviewer offer Edgars  in
                                                                      relation to accommodation?
              After qraduaLing  with a deqree in Computer  Ocience
              fromVilnius  University  in my home  country  of Lithuania.t
              compleLed,  a poet-qraduate  diploma in web design at,the
                                                                7  lmagine  you  are Edgars.  Write  an account of your
              Universit  y of Manchester.  This led to a teachinf  posL aL the                            iob
                                                                   interview as part  of an emailto a friend. Write  about:
              same insLiLuLion.  After four years in academia,I  decided
                                                                   o your  feetings before  the interview.
              on a change  of direcLion and applied for various  jobs  in Lhe
              commercial  oector,  I relocaLed  Lo Madrid  to woik for a large  .  what happened during the interview.
                                                                   r  what happened at the end of the interview.
              adverlising  aOency ae lheir  head of vteb development,,  a
              poeition I found  boLh challenginq  and enjoyable.
                                                                   .  how you feel about it now, looking  back.
                                                                                                   5l<ills Round-up 1-2  25
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