Page 33 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 33

           ffiffi  ,  When  you work  closely with someone,  what l<ind  Look at the dictionary entry. Does this verb tal(e an infinitive
           of person  do you worl< better with? Give reasons.       or -ing form?  How  do you know?
           a a family  member     c an acquaintance
           b a close friend       d a stranger                        until  sth) to arrange  for an event,  etc. to take  place at a
                                                                      later time or date Effi  pur  oFF:  [vtrt]  ?he gome has  ol
                                                                      ready  been  postponed  three  times.  <>  We'LL  have to postpone
           Complete the text with the infinitive, base form (infinitive  the meeting  until  next  w eek. c  [v  -i n g] I t w as an unp o p ular
           without fo), past participle  or -ing  form  of the verbs  in  dectston  to postpone butlding  the neu hospital.-compare
                                                                      CANCEL  F pest.pone.ment  noun  lU,Cl.. Riots  Led to the
           bracl<ets. Then  describe  the twins'working  relationship  in  postponement  of Local electlons.
           your  own words.
                                                                 }l  Use a dictionary to find out if the verbs  below:
                           Like many identical  twins.  Helen and   1 take an infinitive.
                           Morna Mulgray  are used to  1   (do)     2 tal<e an -ing form.
                           things together. They  have always enjoyed
                                                                    3 take either, with no difference in meaning.
                           '?     (watch) the same television       4 take either,  but with a difference in meaning.
                           programmes and have tended  3--
                                                                                            r'rl.irf, ir;li:t itryt .
                           (read) the same books too. They even     lti,rlilll *tl:;rlI  1';lll  $r.:',i.r   -.  -....  :
                               a-                                   : .'
                           chose      (pursue)  the same career
                           as teachers. Now, at the age of 73. being
                                              5                        "t
                           retired  has allowed  them   (focus)
                           on a mutuaL  hobby:  writing.            Verb patterns  can include  passive, perfect  and continuous
                                             6-                     forms of the infinitive  or -ing fotm.
                           'We both spent  31 years   (work)  as
                                              t-                    She claims  to hove met Leono lewrs. (perfect infinitive)
          Engtish teachers,  so we've always been keen on   (write)j
          said Morna.                                               The window oppeors to have  been broken deliberotely.
                                  8-                                (passive perfect infinitive)
             It took the twins five years   (get) their novel,  which
          is entitled  No Suspicious  Circumstances,   (accepted)  by a
                                                                 l$; Read the Look out! box. Then  complete  the text with the
          publisher,  although they  have since had three further novels
          10-    (publish).                                         infinitive or  -ing form  of the verbs in brackets. You may need
                                                                    to use passive and/or  perfect  forms.
             Morna.  who is the eLder by ten minutes, said:  'We both sit
          at the laptop,  and whoever  happens   (be) closest  to the
                           1'?                                   Sdm and Dave  were one of the most popu[ar singing  duos of the 1960s.
          computer or feels like   (type) just  startsj  Helen added:
                                                                 Thejr Live performances  were so good that some other stars of their  day
          'Occasionally  there  are small disagreements  over the text but ... '  refused  1   (book)  on the same bitl in case  they were  made
          She lets her sister   (finish):'It rareLy happensl     '      (took)  second-rate. In his autobiography,  the boss of Atlantic
                                                                 goodwi[[  on stage. In fact. the two performers  were onty pretending
         ,$ Find one verb  in the text for each verb pattern (f-5).  Use the  (have) a good relationship.  Off stage,  they were  hardty
           verb to mal(e your own example  sentence.             managing  5-   (stay) on speaking  terms. When  Dave shot  and injured
                                                                 his own wife in a domestic dispute.  Sam gave  up  6   (try)
           1 verb + infinitive                                   1-
                                                                        (maintain) any kind of relationship  with his partner. Although
              decide:  We decided to get married  in  June.               8-
                                                                 Dave  seems     (forgive) by his wife shortly  after the shooting,  Sam
                                                                 recalls  e   (disgust)  so much  by the event that he told Dave: 'I't[
              verb + oblect + infinitive
                                                                 sing with you but I't[ never speak to you againl And aLthough  they went
              persuade: My sister persuoded  me to take up aerobics.  on  10   (perform)  together,  he c[aims  11-  (not speak)  a word
                                                                 to Dave for the next twelve  years.
           3 verb + obiect + base form
              mal<e;  My parents made  me leorn the piano.
                                                                    $:I$,y  tiftrrfr:lv!&,q stiil'$rt ].ir V{:lrill  r:r,,-''"'"'',f  " t"1   .
                                                                    ilr,rrl1;{: r 3r"! d{if}ll
              verb (+ object) + -ing form
              imagine:  I con't imagine  (my brothe) becoming rich.  'f
                                                                    ffi      Worl< in pairs. Teltyour partner  something
                                                                    that you:
              verb + obiect + past participle
                                                                    1 regret not having done.
              have:  She had her car stolen last weekend.
                                                                    2 can imagine having been said about you.
                                                                    3 were taught to do by a relative.
           fiiff$  *ll*.Xtl*lrr'&  $iiil-rr(  .1,).l: V*ftffi Pll.-|I[&l,X$  {l}r  4 woutd hate being made to listen to.
           r:,(*[ 1].1] #&]                                         5 hope to be doing in five years'  time.
     32   Unit 3  ,'  Partners
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