Page 37 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 37
I rcGff?lEGlllifil-ilEl Look at the photo frorn a newspaper
|ackie and |ohn met at primary school rn Plvmouth in
story. What do you think the story might be? Use the
L952 at the age of five and quickly became friends. The
expressions betow to help you. two lost touch when Jackie moved on to secondarv school.
For 26 years Jackie ran a rescue home for ralrbits in Hythe,
childhood sweethearts romance blossomed drift apart
a couple of hr.rndred miies alvay from John. After being
mutual love to tie the knst reunited on the Internet, the couple arranged to meet up
in Southampton. 'We knew we loved each other before
we even met up,' said John. So, taking drastic steps, Jol-rr
resigned from his job and stayed in Southampton. Despite
the obstacles they had to overcome, and the people ihey
hurt, jackie and Johr both firmly believe it was all worth it.
Which couple:
1 never had a period when they were not in contact? tr
2 prioritised their own relationship over the feelings
of others?
3 first met outside England?
4 were temporarily separated after seeing each tr
other again?
2 oo the Reading exam task. both got divorced before getting back in touch? tr
5 did not re-estabtish contact ontine? tr
7 met at secondary schoo[? T
Read the text. For questions 1-8, choose the correct 8 [ived in the same country while apart? tr
couple (A-C). The couples may be chosen more than
3 Oothe Use of Engtish exam task.
A Beatrice Ba11ott, 84, first met B7-year-old Ivan Hicks in 1942
when she was a clerk in a bank in Oudtshoorn and he was
stationed near the town as part of his training for the RAF.
The pair met at a party and their romance so6n blossomed, Some lines of the text are correct and some contain an
but r.r,hen Mr Hicks was stationed back in England they
extra word which should not be there. Cross out the
drifted apart. Eventually, they both married, although
extra words and ticl< the [ines which are correct.
they stayed in touch over the years with letters and cards.
However, when Mr Hicks's r,r,ife passed away last 0 There are many customs and superstitions associated
lrear -L
he set about going through hls diary and it I,r,as then that 00 with weddings, most of which had-originated centuries
he came acrois M.s Ballott's telephone number. After his
1 ago. ln the past, a wedding was seen as a time when
daughter Hazel contacted her for him, the tr,r,o arranged to
2 people that were particularly susceptible to bad luck and
see each other. They quickly realised that their rnutual love
for each other was stiil preient. The pair happily tied the 3 evil spirits. Some traditions, such as the bride is not being
knot on Saturday, 26th September. 4 seen by the groom in her wedding dress before the
B Childhood sweethearts Sue Flammond and Chrls Osment 5 ceremony, are known throughoutthe UK and many other
have married after being reunited via the Internet 30 years 6 parts of the world too. Others may be regional or can even ._
after they first met. Romance filst blossomed betr,r.een the
7 maintained within families from generatlon to generation"
couple when thev were 15-year-old pupils at Highfield
Comprehensive School in Nert castle, in the north-east of 8 Whether they are widespread or specific to a small group,
England. But after they left school they didn't set eyes on 9 they are maintained in the belief that they will bring the
each other again until last year, when they made contact 10 good luck and happiness to the couple at a time when
. on the Friends Reunited website. Both Chris and Sue were
11 their lives are changing, hopefully for the better. ln the
single following the break-up of their marriages. They
12 days gone by, when marriage proposals were more
chatted to each other every day for two months using
webcams before Susan travelled to Chris's new home on the 13 formal, the prospective groom sent his friends or his
opposite side of the u.or1d. She spent two lveeks in Sydney 14 members of his family to represent his interests to the
before returning to the UK, but then after four painful '15 prospective bride and her family. lf they saw a blind man,
months apart fr"om Chris, she made the decision to emigrate
l6 a monk or a pregnant woman during their journey it was
to Australia for a new life lr.ith the man she 1oved.
17 thought that the marriage would be doomed to failure as if
C A man has left his wife after meeting a childhood sweetheart
he had not seen for nearly half a century. John Pearce they continued their journey, so they had to go home and
walked out on his wife oi twenty y" meet up with old 19 start again! lf, however, they saw goats, pigeons or
friend ]ackie Butt and never went back home. They mei 20 wolves, these were good omens which would not bring
each other on the Friends Reunited website, the Internet site 21 good fortune to the marriage.
which puts old school friends back in touch with each other.
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