Page 40 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 40
5 Complete the text with the correct form
Discuss what you think the 'strange fruit' are and what the of the words in brackets.
song is about. Then share your ideas with the class.
Strange Fruit
Southerri-trees bear strange fru i t
Blood on the leaves, and blood at the root The story of the American protest song goes back
'*Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze 1-
(significance) further than Strange Fruit. After the
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees
founding of the United States in 1776, songs were written by
Pastoral scene of the gallant south 2-
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth slaves in protest against their (captive). Songs like
The scent of magnolia sweet and fresh We Shall Be Free and Steal Away had their roots in religious
..... Then the sudden smell of burning flesh music, but their message was more 3_ (politics). One
Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck song, called Follow the Drinking Gourd, even contained code
For the sun to rot, for the tree to drop words that helped slaves escape to a (free) in the
Here is a strange and bitter crop
North by describing landmarks along the route they needed
to follow.
2, d&'t,e2r Listen to part one of a radio programme about
Strange Fruit.Were your ideas in exercise 1 correct? During the nineteenth century, protest songs featured a
variety of subjects, including the (abolish) of slavery
and votes for women. u (perform) often took well-
Names of peopte and ptaces can be difficutt to understand known existing songs and wrote their own words, a tradition
when you hearthem. Before listening, lookthrough the
which continues to this day.
questions and pronounce any names in your head. 7
The (economy) hardship of the Great Depression in
the 1930s proved fertile ground for the protest song and a
'ft,1:,22' Read the Listening trp. Then listen again and
new theme emerged: unionism and workers' rights. Later, in
answer the questions using the names below. One of the
the 1960s and 1970s, singers from different musical genres
answers requires two names. B
united in their (condemn) of the war in Vieinam and
Abel lJleeropol ,4bram Smith Laura Dunran
in their support for Marlin Luther King Jr and the Civil Rights +!
Lewis Allan Thcrnas Shipp
movement. :t::
1 Under whose name was the song Strange Fruit first
pubtished? Today, American musicians of every genre continue to
2 What was the real name of the writer? write protest songs. Some have an e- (environment)
3 On whose murder was the song based? message, others campaign for social justice or against wars.
4 Who first sang Stronge Fruit? Whether it is possible to change the world with a song is hard
to say, but songwriters who are paft of this tradition certainly
4 ,{}'4..e:. Read the sentences below. Then listen to part two
feel that it is their duty to try.
of the radio programme. Are the sentences true (D, fatse (F)
or is the answer not stated (NS)?
1 Barney Josephson told Bittie Hotiday about the song. 6 ffiEH Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Give
2 ln most nightctubs at that time, black and white examples where possible.
custom ers were segregated.
1 How many protest songs do you know? What are they
3 Hotiday was too frightened to sing Stronge Fruitin
protesting about?
Josephson's nightctub. 2 Are songs an effective method of protest? What
4 The song received a very good reception the first time
advantages might songs have over other forms of
Hotiday performed it.
5 Hotiday blamed racial prejudice for the death of her
3 What other methods of protest are there and which is the
most effective, in your opinion?
6 Recording Strange Fruit led to the termination of
4 Are there any singers, past or present, from your own
Hotiday's recording contract with Columbia.
country whose songs often have a serious message?
7 Strange Fruitwas genera[[y regarded as one of Holiday's
5 lf you were going to write a protest song, what woutd it
finest recordings.
be about? lnvent a titte and think of some possibte Iines
8 For Holiday, the emotional effect of performing the song
for your song.
became even stronger as the years passed.
Unit4*Changes i39