Page 45 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 45
Worl< in pairs and discuss the question. Thinl< about the Read the Writing fip. Match five of sentences a-f with the
topics below. gaps in the model essay. Which topic from exercise 1 does
How might the world be different the other sentence match?
a Assuming that the processing power of computers
a hundred years from now?
continues to increase at its current rate, their importance
in the wortd witI atso grow.
b Within a hundred years, scientists witt almost certainly
have eradicated most common diseases.
c The increasing congestion on our roads witl have led
scientists to develop new forms of transport.
Read the mode[ essay, ignoring the gaps. Match paragraphs
d lf I am still alive a hundred years from now, I imagine the
2-4 with three of the topics from exercise 1.
world will be a very different place from how it is today.
e Broadty speal<ing, the l<inds of changes that I envisage
happening will make the world a better ptace to Iive.
f I imagine that, a hundred years in the future, fashions
witl have changed hugety.
Worl< in pairs. Choose three topics from exercise 1 which
are not in exercises 2 or 3. Write a topic sentence to begin a
paragraph for each one.
1 [ Science and technology will continue advancing at an Make your writing more ftuent by using the following
ever-incneasing pace, and thene will doubtless be inventions linking words to join ideas together:
and discovenies eveny decade which will affect ever-y aspect n eith er... n o r... ...or even...
of oun lives. either...or... both...and...
a E A hundned yeans from now, they will in all pnobability ...rother than... not only...but also...
be fan more intelligent bhan humans. Consequently, our
attitude towands them may change: we may r-egar.d them
Read the Writing fip. Then find an example of each expression
eithen as fniends or as potential nivalsl We will use them not in the model essay. Which two are similar in meaning?
as only as sources of information, bul also as sounces of
Explain the meaning of the others.
wisdom and advrce.
S [ ruew fonms of synthetic mater-ial will no doubt have Rewrite the two sentences as single sentences using
been invented, and these could nevolutionise clothing in the expressions from the Writing tip.
same way that the invention of both nylon and Lycr-a did in 1 Computers are becoming more powerfut. They're
the twentieth centuny. Having said that, designer.s have a becoming cheaper.
habit of looking to the past for- inspir.ation, so in the twenty- Soon computers may be able to hotd conversations with
second centuny, people could be wearing jeans or even humans. Tetting jol<es may atso be possible.
nineteenth-centuny suits and dnesses. We may not have to use a mouse or l<eyboard. We may be
4 ! Particulanly populan will be vehicles which allow able to controI it with our mind.
commutens to fly to wor^k nathen than sitting in a tr-affic jam. Computers may demand better treatment. They may
The vehicles will as likely as not be power.ed by magnetism demand equal rights!
on some othen force which neither- fuel nor- Some people maintain that computers witl never thinl<
cneates pollution. like people. They say that computers will never have
5 ! Howeven, some may make it wonse. lt is impossible emotions.
to pnedict the futune with any certainty. There will be many Super-powerful computers wit[ be incredibty useful.
unfoneseen developments in the wor-ld and some of these Or perhaps they'tt be incredibty dangerous to mankind.
-t: :.
::::,1:"y::::": :: lil":: * .-i i ffiffiffi[trhjffi Worl< in pairs. Discuss the questions, then
compare your ideas with the class.
lf a new kind of material for clothing were to be invented,
Each paragraph in an essay shoutd contain a'topic what do you think it might be tike?
sentence'which expresses the main idea of that What new kind of vehicle would be most useful, in
your opinion?
paragraph. This usuatly goes at the beginning. Topic
Do you thinl< it matters if computers become more
sentences make the essay easier to fo[low for the reader.
intettigent that humans? Give reasons.
44 Unit 4 Changes