Page 48 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 48
Reading 3 Say whether sentences 7-7 are true (T) or fatse (0.
1 Do you thinkyou would be an easy or difficult person to share 1 Stuart coutd afford better accommodation in Edinburgh.
a ftat with? Give reasons. 2 He used to live in a smatI ftat in Lewisham.
3 lnitiatly, Stuart and his girtfriend ptan to split the rent.
2 Read the text. ln what way is Flat Night Fever similar to a 4 Stuart believes his situation is very probtematic.
speed-dating event? 5 At Ftat Night Fever, peopte with orange badges are
lool<ing for somewhere to Iive.
6 Ftat Night Fever is a'tive'version of a process that atso
happens electronicatly.
7 Karim Goudiaby argues that choosing a flatmate is just as
difficutt as finding the right wife or husband.
4 Sd f .ZO Listen to a dialogue between Edgars and two other
peopte in his new ftat. Who are they? Choose from:
a bank employee a housemate a neighbour
the tandtady the letting agent the postman
5 6d 1.26 Listen again. Are the sentences true (T), false (F) or
Stuart Kelly,31, earns f28,000 a year, yet he can'tfind anywhere is the answer not stated (NS)?
decentto live in London.'Bacl< home in Edinburgh l'd be rich, but
1 Most of Edgars's possessions are sti[[ in Latvia.
here my money g0es nowhere,'he laments.'l started out renting
2 Tomas has been living in the house for more than a year.
a grubby room with no lock in an old mansion in Lewisham, then
3 The bank won't let Edgars open an account untiI he has a
I moved to Belgravia, where I had problems with the landlady. I
formatjob offer in writing.
am currently paying f800 per month for a rather small single room
4 Edgars has to pay a [arger deposit on the ftat because he
in Whitechapel. ln the process, I have lost aboutf500 in non-
doesn't have a bank account.
returned deposits and the like. Now my girlfriend wants to come
5 Tomas has not had any problems with the neighbours.
down to London but she won't be earning any money to start with,
5 The landtord sometimes catts by unexpectedly.
and ljust can'tfind a double room we can afford" l'm in pretty dire
7 Edgars's letter is from the person that interviewed him.
straits, to be honest.'Which is why he is spending the evening at
Sound, a West End nlghtclub in Leicester Square,the venue for a
new and unusual type of event called Flat Night Fever.
This is the property world's version of speed-dating. People with 6 Worl< in groups of four.
rooms to let put on orange-coloured name badges and sit at tables
o Students A and B: You are flatmates, tooking for one
labelled north, south, east or west, according to the part of town
more tenant.
where their accommodation is located. Those who are looking for
. Students C and D: You are both prospective tenants,
places to live (white name badges) circulate round those tables, in
l<een to share with students A and B. You can invent new
the hope of convincing their orange-badged counterparts that they
would make the ideal flatmate.
. Students A and B: lnterview students C and D one at a
'lt works both ways, of course,' explains the event's organiser,
Paui Curry, of accommodation website 'The time. Ask them questions about their personality, their
person looking for the room might not hit it off with the person habits and anything etse that occurs to you. Then tatk
offering the room, either. That is the purpose of this event: to about the two candidates and agree which one to accept.
prevent having to do that thing we've all done, which is trek
halfway across London to see a flatyou hate, lived in by people
you wish you'd never met.'
7 Read the tasl< below and make notes.
'This isn't an evening we make any money out of,'says
You have been asl<ed to write a short articte for a traveI
EasyRoommate's founder Karim Goudiaby, who usually charges
magazine about the different areas of your town and where
for this introduction service via email, with subscribers getting the
the best places to rent woutd be.
contact details of the flat-seeker or flat-owner they want to see.
'This shows we are more than just a properly bulletin board: we
8 Write your article. Remember to include one or two
want to ensure that the people we match up are compatible. Just
recommendations and give reasons for them.
as you would choose a wife with great care, so you should choose
a flatmate with great care, too.' ED CHECT YOUR PROGRESS: PAGE 4 TTta
5l<itls Round-up 1-4 !+T