Page 43 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 43
Worl< in pairs. Try to answer the questions. Rewrite the sentences using mixed conditionals.
1 Were dinosaurs warm-blooded or cotd-blooded? 1 You didn't listen, so you don't know what to do.
2 When and why did they become extinct? lf loud tiriened, 1ou'd Know whai to do.
2 l(ate failed her driving test last weel< so she's retaking
Read the text and find the answers to the questions in it in july.
exercise 1. 3 He's being prosecuted because he refuses to pay any tax.
4 I don't [il<e him because he was rude to me.
5 His inluries are more serious because he wasn't wearing
It is a scientific fact that
a seatbett.
dinosaurs suddenly
5 I forgot my l<eys so I can't get back into the'house.
became extinct about 65
million years ago. Many Rewrite the sentences using an inversion in the conditional
palaeontologists believe clause and omitting rf.
that the extinction 1 lf you should need to mal<e any photocopies, there's a
was caused by a giant photocopier outside my office.
meteor crashing into 2 Ptease contact head office if you shoutd need to make
the Earth. On the face
a complaint.
of it; it sounds an
3 lf l(urt Cobain were alive today, he'd be over 40.
unlikely explanation, but 4 lf it weren't for the fact that she's married to the boss,
dinosaurs were a highly she'd never have got the job.
successful species that
5 lf I'd l<nown it would rain, l'd have taken an umbretla.
had ruled the Earth
5 lf it hadn't been for my parents' generosity, I could never
for about 160 million
have afforded a new car.
years, and it's difficult to
account for their sudden ffi"-ffi Complete the sentences in your own words.
disappearance unless something pretty drastic took place. Compare your answers with your partner.
But an equally intriguing question is what would have 1 lf onty I had more time, ...
happened if the meteor had missed its target? Suppose 2 lf I hadn't studied English, ...
dinosaurs were still roaming the Earth today, would the 3 lf teenagers aren't allowed enough freedom, ...
human race have managed to evolve alongside them? 4 Unless we act now, ...
It was thought for a long time that dinosaurs were cold- 5 As long as the weather doesn't change, ...
blooded and would never have survived an lce Age. 6 How I wish ...
However. more recent research has revealed thaidinosaurs
Rewrite the sentences using the words in bracl<ets.
were in fact very adaptable, and some may even have been
warm-blooded. Some palaeontologists believe that, had the 1 l'd never have finished the job without your help. (ifl
meteor not hit the Earth, dinosaurs would have continued ld navar havr finishad the job if 1ou hadn'.t helpad mo.
to thrive, meaning it's unlikely that we'd see many of the ld nsver havr finishsd thojob if i't hadn't baan {or lour help.
mammals that we now rely on for food and company! And 2 lf we don't hurry, we won't get to the airport on time.
if there were no sheep, cows and dogs, we wouldn't have (u n less)
wool. milk or 'man's best friend'. ln all likelihood, if the 3 You can borrow my MP3 ptayer, but you must give it bacl<
meteor hadn't struck the Earth. we wouldn't be around to me tomorrow. (provided that)
today to speculate on how things might have turned out. 4 Even if there were inteltigent life out there, how could we
make contact? (supposing)
5 Foltow the directions I gave you and you can't go wrong.
(as tong as)
* tn the text, find examples of structures 1-5. Which refer to 5 For him to have admitted he was wrong would have been
(a) the past (b) the present or (c) the past and the present? totally out of character. (iflit)
1 a second conditional ffi Worl< in pairs and discuss the questions.
2 a third conditional
How might things be/have been different if
3 two mixed conditionals
1 we could travel back in time?
4 two conditional ctauses introduced by words other than i/
2 we stopped eating meat?
5 a conditionaI clause where if is omitted and the sublect
3 we coutd live for ever?
and verb are inverted
4 computers hadn't been invented?
5 Columbus had not discovered America?
't],rt. 1.r.t1! !r! 1, niilJ-rL Lr
p,&st r?.1 ffim 6 dinosaurs were stitl ative?
42 Unit 4 '. Changes