Page 39 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 39

Compare  the two photos  and use the words  below  to say  &  6il  f .f f  Listen to three  teenagers  tall<ing  about how their
           what image they convey of chitdhood and teenage years.   lives  have changed since childhood.  Match two sentences
           Do you thinl< it is accurate? lf not, suggest what other  words  (a-0 with each  speaker (t-3).
           would give  a more accurate portrayal.
                                                                    a He/She claims to be less chitdish than  most  teenagers.
           rareflee fnustn*ting iclte i*fvttic lnn*rent  j*yfuI     b He/She  sees family members  far [ess and friends far
           {.ist[essriess                                             more.
                                                                    c  He/She  has become slightty  more independent by working.
        x  Read  the opinions (a-h) about how people  change as they
                                                                    d He/She  thinks parents are generally  to blame for
           become teenagers.  Say whether you agree  or disagree with  arguments  with their teenage children.
           them, and try to thinl<  of examples.                    e He/She does not have so many  famity arguments  as
           a Emotionally, you are probabty at your least stable during  before.
             your  teenage  years.                                  f  He/She betieves  that having more  money would  mean
           b One ofthe hardest  things  about being a teenager is     fewer family  rows.
             leaving behind the security and comfort of chitdhood.
           c  During your  teenage  years, you become  more and more  Look at these phrases the teenagers  use for modifying
             aware of the wortd around  you.                        comparative  and supertative  adiectives. Use them to
           d When you're  a teenager,  the more friends you have the  complete  the Learn  fhisl box below.
              better.                                               a ga*c* drai a bit  sc  a long way manginally
           e As a teenager,  you aren't quite so witting to invotve  your  far anrJ away on[y very
              parents in your socia[ [ife.
           f  You become  less and less Iil<ety to accept your parents'  mod ifyi  n g superlatives
             opinions  without questioning  them.
                                                                     '      / easily  the best
           g The otderyou get, the more you start to have your own   the')-    best
              opin ions.                                             the best by  far /  by miles  / by o mile /  by  3
           h The worst thing about  being a teenager is that you have
                                                                     modifying  comparatives
             to work more and adutts hetp you less.                  no better  (than...)  4-   os good (as...)
           Rewrite the sentences  using the words  in brackets,  and the    /  very slightly better
                                                                     a little /6-
           examptes  in exercise 2 to help. Don't change the meaning!             /  a little bit better
                                                                     rother better
           Then say whether you agree or disagree with each  one. Give
           reasons.                                                  not quite as /  not quite  / not?-bad  (as...)
                                                                     (quite)  a lot better
           1 lt becomes  steadily  more difficutt to make  new friends                              B-
                                                                     much  / for /  a  far  sight / an owful lot /   better
              during your teenage  years. (less  and less)
              As you start to go out more, money  becomes  more central
              to your tife.  (the  more)                            Lffiffif;{ ffi&$Y!
              Few things  are more important  to teenagers  than    We can only put very before a short superlative  form,  not a
              friendship. (one  o0                                  supertative  with mosf. We also use it with  frrst.
              Teenagers  want to have the most fashionable  ctothes  My parents  walked in at the very worst moment.
              possible.  (the  better)                              It was the very  first  time l'd spent o night away  from  home.
           5 As a teenager,  you are more sensitive to criticism  than at
              any other time.  (at your most)                    ffi ffiWffi   Read the Look out! box. Then discuss your  own
           6 As a teenager,  you become  a bit more unwilting to follow  ideas about how people  change as they become adults rather
              orders. (not quite  so)                               than teenagers.  Use expressions  from exercise 5 and discuss
                                                                    the topics below  or your  own ideas.
           ffi  *m,qenrn&&  ffiu'tilcx &.3; {*&fr!3&K&rtv;:  &ru*
           S#PfffiL&I$\if ilSKffiS: P,&*g'13S {Xffi                 faniilyrelatiern*hips  fashion  freedonn  friendship
                                                                    m0flfry wryrlq

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