Page 41 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 41
1 ffi Work in pairs. Read the quotation from Raymond
Chandler. Do you agree with it? Give reasons.
Ability is what you're capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do. Attitude
determines how weII you do it.
2 Look at the photo and the first two lines of the article. Predict
what the text is about. Then skim-read it and checkyour
3 Read the text and choose the best answers.
1 As a child, Jaeger ptayed tennis because
a she wanted to be the best in the wortd.
b her parents put pressure on her to play.
c she wanted to escape from her overbearing father.
d she wanted to develop a 'kitter instinct'.
Jaeger gave up tennis when she
4 match the adiectives (1-8) with the nouns (a-h) to make
a started a chitdren's charity.
collocations from the text.
b got fed up with the competitive atmosphere on the
tennis circuit. 1 enforced a teenager
c suffered an injury. 2 uptifting b environment
d reatised that she wanted to help peopte. 3 im pressionable c father
4 stormy d chitdhood
When she stopped playing tennis, she was pleased
5 overbearing e journey
because she
6 brief f retirement
a had put her amazing talent to good use.
7 competitive g row
b had achieved her ambition of beating Bittie-Jean King.
8 protracted h relationship
c no longer enioyed the apptause.
d could do something different with her life.
ffi Work in pairs. Retettthe story of Jaeger's tife so far
What did Andrea,laeger keep secret for nearly using the collocations from exercise 4.
twenty years?
a her frequent arguments with her father 6 Look at the example of a reduced relative clause from the
b the fact that she deliberately [ost an important match text. Expand it into a fu[[ relative clause.
c a close friendship with Martina Navratilova Jaeger lacked the killer instinct required of great champions.
d her ambition to do something different with her Iife
7 Find three more examples of reduced relative clauses in the
When Jaeger looks back at the past, she
text (lines 15-18, 25-29,60-65) and expand them into full
a betieves she coutd have won a lot of Grand Stams.
relative clauses.
b wonders how successful she might have become.
c has no regrets. ffi *X*mm&R *U'L*gR 4.2: REDUCEG ft[l-ATlVg
d wishes she hadn't been iniured. CL&L!$XS: $}&&g 3?3 m
When .laeger returned to Wimbledon, she
a was surprised that the guards didn't know who 8 ffiffi Workin pairs. Answerthe questions.
she was. 1 Do you admire Andrea Jaeger? Why?/Why not?
b was overwhetmed by the fact that the guards treated 2 Why don't more famous peopte devote their lives to
her tike royatty. good causes?
c was bitter about the fact that she had wasted 3 Do you think that you would be willing to give up fame
heryouth. and fortune and devote your life to people less fortunate
d was detighted at the way that the guards treated the than yourself? Why?/Why not?
children she was with. 4 'Kids should be driven by their own goats and their own
passion, not by someone etse's. That's when it becomes
dangerous.'To what extent do you agree or disagree with
,|aeger's view?
40 Unit 4 ', Changes