Page 50 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 50

           Vocabulary  r war and war idioms  r  verb-noun  collocations  r  sexuaI discrimination  r phrases  for
           structuring  a presentation  r personaI  qualities  r word formation  (1) r  Iinking  words:  addition  Battles
           Grammar  r  for+  noun/pronoun + infinitive  e eltipsis  (reduced  infinitives,  omission  of verbs)
           Speaking  r  talking about  armed  conftict r  discussing  famity tensions  r  discussing  gender
           equatity  r  a presentation
           Writing r  a description of a person

        1  ffi      Worl<in pairs.  Discussthe  meaningof  the  4  6& :.Of Listen to an account  of the Battte of the Somme in
           quotations  and sayings.  Do you agree  with them?      the First  World War. Complete the missing  information with
           Why?/Why  not?                                          no more than four words.
           1 'One man's  terrorist  is another man's freedom fighter.'
           2 'The  pen is mightier  than the sword.'
           3 'The direct use of force is such  a poor  sotution  to any
             problem that it is generally emptoyed only by smatI
             chitdren and [arge nations.'
           4 'We make war so that we can live in peace.'
                                                                  Soldiers climbing out of the trenches  on the  first  day of the battle
        2  Comptete the text with the words  below.
                                                                      The war had started   years  before  the battte
           alties coalition  insurgents  mass destruction
                                                                      bega n.
           security suicide  bombers troops  viotation
                                                                   2  The land between  the two armies  was calted
           weapons inspectors
                                                                   3  The speaker expresses  great  surprise that some British
                                                                      and French  sotdiers were told   when they
                                                                      advanced  towards the German lines.
                                                                      The bombardment  didn't kill many German soldiers
                                                                      because they had hidden
                                                                      At first, British  generats  didn't know how many men they
                                                                      had tost because of-.
                                                                      German resistance in the weeks after the battle
                                                                      prevented  the British and French  from making
                                                                    7 ln the autumn, the weather made it impossibte to
                                                                   8        could say that they had won the battle.

                                                                    Complete the collocations  from the listening exercise with the
           The Iraq War began in 2003 when  a muttinational'-      verbs below.
           of forces Led by the USA invaded Iraq.  The reason for the  break  catl up claim give grind inftict  launch
           invasion  was America  and Britain's  belief that Saddam  make  put up suffer
           Hussein possessed  and was developing weapons of2-       7       a breakthrough  6
           (nuclear, bioiogical  and chemical  weapons)  in  3-     2       an attack    7
                                           a-                                                     losses
           of a L991  agreement.  In the event,  UN   found         3       the stalemate 8   --   reinforcements
           no evidence  of such weapons.  The Iraqi military forces  4                   9        toahalt
           were quickly defeated by America  and her   ,  and       5                   10  -     victory
           thousands of lraqi    were captured and disarmed.
           However, the victory was short-lived  as '   began to  6  ffiffiffi  6b  Z.Or Worl< in pairs.  Retellthe  story of the
           attack the occupying forces  in an attempt to tiberate the  Battle  of the Somme using the cotlocations  in exercise  5 to
           country, frequently  empLoying roadside  bombs and   .   help you. Then listen again  and checl<.
           US troops finatty withdrew in December 201.1., when Iraqi
           troops took responsibility  for  e   in the ftedgting  7  ffi    Work in pairs or smatlgroups.  Think of:
           democracy.                                               1 two sets of circumstances in which  a country  woutd  be
                                                                      justified  in going  to war as a last resort.
        3  Find words  in the text in exercise 2 that  have the opposite  2 two sets of circumstances  when a dectaration of war
           meaning  to the words betow.                               would  be unjustified.
           advance  (v)  arm (v) civitian (adj) defeat (n) defend   IXD  VOCRBULARY  BUILDER  5.1: lDIOMS:  WORKBOOK
           enemies occupy  release  (v)                             PAGE 104 <

                                                                                                       Unit 5  Batttes : (9
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