Page 24 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
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Progress review 1 page 26
MY EVALUATION Check your progress. Do the exercises and then complete your own evaluation.
1 1 app 2 followers 3 craze I need to try this again. I am happy with this.
4 post 5 views 6 media I could do this better. I can do this very well.
7 gadgets VOCABULARY Popular interests LANGUAGE FOCUS used to
1 Complete the crossword. 3 Complete the sentences using the correct
2 1 generally 2 obviously form of used to and the verb in brackets.
1 2
1 She (not like) hip
3 Amazingly 4 apparently 4 hop music, but she loves it now.
2 (your brother /
3 1 didn’t use to like watch) a lot of cartoons?
2 Did your brother use to watch 3 3 They (go) to the
cinema often. Now, they watch films online.
5 4 I (take) that bus,
3 used to go 6 but I don’t any more.
4 used to take 5 He (not have) a
laptop, but he bought one last year.
5 didn’t use to have 6 What time (eat)
dinner when you were younger?
6 did you use to eat 1 It’s a new smartphone on Twitter. I can talk about past habits and states.
2 She’s got 100,000
4 [L] baggy hoodie 3 It’s only a short . People will MY EVALUATION
forget about it soon.
[E] black boots 4 a comment on my blog.
5 How many
does that video have?
[E] black trousers 6 Social are changing ways of VOCABULARY AND LISTENING Fashion
1.21 Listen to Lena telling her friend Ethan
[L] colourful hat 7 We use electronic , such as tablets. about their trip to Italy. Which clothes did
[L] jeans I can talk about popular interests, activities and Lena and her family bring from England and
which ones did they buy in Italy? Write E for
[L] patterned jacket MY EVALUATION England or I for Italy.
baggy hoodie
[L] plain white blouse READING Crazes black boots
black trousers
[E] shorts 2 Choose the correct words. colourful hat
[E] short-sleeved tops 1 Jack is in a basketball team. They generally / jeans
obviously play about once a week.
patterned jacket
[E] summer dresses 2 It generally / amazingly takes more time plain white blouse
to get from London to Rome by car than by
[L] tight skirt 3 Obviously / Amazingly, some people spend short-sleeved tops
[L] trainers 4 I thought this app was free, but apparently / summer dresses
over two hours on social media every day.
tight skirt
5 1 b created amazingly I have to pay £3 for it. trainers
2 a were asking I can talk about how I spend my time. I can give and understand descriptions of people’s
4 a didn’t happen 26 prOgreSS reVIeW 1
5 c celebrated
6 b were still buying
6 1 There are some nice clothes
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2 it looks really good LANGUAGE FOCUS Past continuous; Past WRITING A fact file
3 It isn’t really my style simple and past continuous 7 Choose the correct words.
4 it really suits you 5 Choose the correct answers.
7 1 b In those Japanese inventor Satoshi Tajiri 1 Fact file: Flared trousers
Pokémon, or pocket monsters, in 1995.
2 c For example By 1999, children 2 their parents for The beginnings
American sailors were the first to
3 a The sixties was the decade Pokémon games all over the world, and the wear flared trousers in the 19 th
thousands of games
days, trousers
century. 1
Pokémon company 3
4 c as every day! Many crazes stop being popular with a wide leg below the knee were
practical for many reasons.
with Pokémon.
quite quickly, but this 4
, they were easy to roll
5 a At When the company 5 Pokémon computer 2 up when cleaning the ship or to take
its tenth anniversary,
millions of people 6
off when they got wet.
6 b In games, cards and toys. Today, it is one of the Craze of the 1960s and 1970s
when flared trousers
7 a decade most successful game companies in the world. 3 became popular. Many singers,
1 a used to create 4 a didn’t happen
8 c for instance b created b wasn’t happening such 4 Sonny and Cher,
that time,
wore them. 5
c doesn’t happen
c was creating
young people made their own flared trousers because
9 b like 2 a were asking 5 a was celebrating shops weren’t selling them. 6 the
b asked b used to celebrate seventies, you could buy them in almost every shop.
c asking c celebrated Hardly anyone chose a different style of trousers
3 a sold 6 a still buying during this 7 .
b was selling b were still buying A comeback
c used to sell c still bought There were a few times when flared trousers came
back, 8 , throughout the 1990s and in
I can talk about what people were doing in the past. 2015. Although fashion designers, 9
Balmain and Gucci, presented them during fashion
MY EVALUATION shows, they didn’t become as popular as in the 1970s.
SPEAKING Expressing preferences
1 a In these b In those c On these
6 Complete the conversation with the phrases. 2 a Such as b Like c For example
Then practise with your partner.
3 a The sixties was the decade
it really suits you it looks really good b In the sixties
It isn’t really my style There are some nice clothes c These days
4 a like b of c as
Molly Hey, Hannah. What are you up to? 5 a At b When c For
Hannah Oh, hi, Molly. I’m looking for some jeans. 6 a On b In c At
Molly Did you find anything? 7 a decade b times c days
Hannah Not really. 1 in here, but 8 a example b such c for instance
they’re expensive. 9 a such b like c instance
Molly Mmm, you’re right. Look – that’s a
really cool jacket. I can use for example, for instance, like and such as
Hannah Yeah, 2 . Why don’t you to give examples to support facts.
try it on?
Hannah I think 4 . Go on, try it on!
I can comment on people’s clothes.
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T38 Progress review 1