Page 22 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 22

2   speaking • Planning free time                                         2   writing • A competition entry
            Speaking • Planning                          I can discuss ideas about how to spend free time.                         I can use intensifiers to add interest to my writing.
            free time                                   THINK!  What do you like doing in the evening and at the weekend?         THINK!  What do you like about the place where you live? Has it got any special sights and sounds?
                                                     Louise  Have you   been / seen to Bowl You Over,                           Win         a sensational holiday!       Experience
             Aim                                         the new bowling club?                                                                                           the Mekong Delta
                                                     Grace  Actually, I’ve never   been / had bowling.                            Enter the You haven’t lived until … competition.    in Southern Việt Nam
             Discuss ideas about how to spend            I’ve heard it’s a bit boring.                                            Describe the sights, sounds, tastes and feelings   Because you haven’t lived until …
             free time.                              Louise  You’ve never   been / made bowling?                                  that visitors to your country can
                                                                                                                                  experience. Our winner
                                                         Seriously? Let’s try it next weekend. We                                 will spend two                            … you’ve seen the life around
                                                         can invite Lori and Jack, too.                                           weeks in Australia!                       the river like floating markets.
            THINK!                                   Grace  It doesn’t sound much fun to me, but                                                                            Besides, the Mekong Delta has got
                                                                                                                                                                            many fruit orchards or rice fields
                                                         we’ll see what they say. I’m hungry. Have
            Ask the question to the whole class and      you   had / taken lunch?                                                                                16-string zither  and extremely beautiful sights, and
                                                                                                                                                                            they’re all worth seeing.
            elicit some answers. Ask more questions to   Louise  No, I haven’t   ate / eaten since breakfast.                   1  Read the magazine advert and last year’s   … you’ve heard Đờn Ca Tài Tử – folk music. The sound
                                                         Let’s have lunch together.
                                                                                                                                  winning entry about the Mekong Delta. What
            encourage students to say more, e.g. How   Grace  What do you fancy eating?  Louise                 Grace             do you have to do to enter the competition?   of a variety of instruments like a flute, a 16-string
            often do you spend an evening at home with   Louise  I don’t know. Fish and chips, I suppose.                         What’s the prize? What do we learn about    zither, a violin and a guitar is really amazing,
                                                                                                                                                                   and very soft! It’s quite an experience.
                                                     Grace  Wait a second. There’s a great restaurant
            friends? How many people do you usually get   really near here. Come on.                                              the residents in southern Việt Nam?   … you’ve tasted bánh xèo. It’s one of the
            together with? What do you usually do? Do   Louise  OK.                    5    Work in pairs. Read situations 1–3. Take   Language point: Intensifiers  most popular dishes in the Mekong Delta.
                                                                                                                                                                   Don’t forget to try other excellent local
            you have food together? What kind of food   Grace  Here it is. 6             turns to suggest doing something after   2  Find the words in the box in the    specialities, like pop rice, lemongrass    bánh xèo
                                                     Louise  Can’t we   had / have fish and chips?
                                                                                         school. Use the key phrases.
            do you have?                             Grace  Why not try something different? The food   1  watch a scary film     Experience the Mekong Delta in Southern    chicken or grilled snakehead fish. It’s
                                                                                                                                                                   absolutely delicious!
                                                         here is delicious. I think you’ll enjoy it.  2  go for a bicycle ride    Việt Nam text. What type of word (adjective,   … you’ve felt the warmth of the residents.
             ANSWerS                                 Louise  OK. I’ll give it a try.     3  play a video game                     noun or verb) do they always come before?  So do a homestay in a traditional village
            Students’ own answers.                   Grace  Great.                     What do you fancy doing?                     absolutely really very         from October to April because the
                                                                                                                                                                   temperature is comfortable for travelling.   pop rice
                                                                                                                                                                   We’re looking forward to seeing you.
                                                             1.19  Choose the correct words in the
            exercise 1  r e 1.19                      1   dialogue. Then watch or listen and check.   Let’s watch a scary film after school.  3  Study the examples and answer the
            Students read the dialogue and choose       What does Louise want to do next weekend?   It doesn’t sound much fun to me.  very soft ✓   very delicious ✗
            the correct words to complete it. With      Where does Grace suggest going for lunch?                                 really soft ✓   really delicious ✓  5    USe IT!  Follow the steps in the Writing Guide.
                                                                                                                                  absolutely soft ✗
                                                                                                                                                  absolutely delicious ✓
            weaker classes, students could work in    2       1.19  Cover the dialogue and complete   6    USe IT!  Work in pairs. Read the   1  Which adjective is an extreme adjective
            pairs. Play the video or audio for students   the Key Phrases. Watch or listen again and check.  situation. Then prepare and practise a new   (it describes a strong opinion): soft or delicious?   WrITINg gUIde
                                                                                         dialogue. Use the key phrases and the
            to watch or listen and check their answers.   Key pHraSeS                    dialogue in exercise 1 to help you.      2  Do we use very with normal or extreme   a TaSK
            Check answers with the class, then ask the   Making plans for free time                                               3  Can we use really with both normal and   Write an entry for the ‘You haven’t lived until … ’
            questions about Louise and Grace and      I’ve heard it’s a bit  1   to me …  Student A: You want to go camping in the   extreme adjectives?           competition. Use information about a place
                                                                                                                                                                   you like and know well. Include some of the
                                                      It doesn’t sound
                                                                                       countryside at the weekend. Listen to what your
            elicit the answers.                       What do you fancy  3   ?         friend suggests instead and respond.       4  What other intensifiers can we use with   key phrases.
                                                                                                                                   adjectives? Find examples in the text.
                                                      Can’t we  4   ?                                                                                            B THINK aNd pLaN
             ANSWerS                                  Why not try  5   ?               Student B: You don’t want to go camping in   4  Read the key phrases and find them in the   Brainstorm ideas and decide whether they
            1  been    2  been    3  been    4  had      I think  6   .                the countryside at the weekend. You fancy   Experience the Mekong Delta in Southern    belong in the paragraph on sights, sounds,
                                                                                                                                  Việt Nam text. Think of how to complete
            5  eaten    6  have                                                        watching a film then having dinner. Suggest   the first two phrases about your town.  tastes or feelings.
                                                                                       what type of film and food you want.
            Louise wants to go bowling; Grace         3    Practise the dialogue with your partner.                             Key pHraSeS                      C WrITe
            suggests a great restaurant near here.    4     1.20      prONUNCIaTION:  Stress for                                                                   Use your notes from B to write a first draft
                                                        emphasis Listen and repeat the sentences.                               Expressing recommendations         of your description.
                                                        Which sentence has more stressed words?                                 Don’t forget to try … .          d CHeCK
            exercise 2  r e 1.19                        Why?                                                                    It’s one of the most … in the ... .  •  adjectives and intensifiers
            Put students into pairs and ask them to     Have you been to Bowl You Over?                                         It’s quite an experience.          •  your ideas in a logical order
                                                                                                                                They’re (all) worth seeing.
                                                        You’ve never been bowling? Seriously?
            cover the dialogue in exercise 1. Students                                                                          We’re looking forward to (seeing you).
            read the key phrases and try to complete   24  Sensations                                                                                                                 Sensations  25
            them from memory. Play the video or
            audio again for students to check their
            answers. Check answers with the class   exercise 4  e 1.20 prONUNCIATION:   exercise 6 USe IT!
            and check that students understand all   Stress for emphasis           Students work in pairs to prepare and
            the key phrases. You could ask students to   Play the audio once for students to listen.   practise a new dialogue. Students swap
            translate the key phrases into Vietnamese   Play the audio again, pausing after each   roles and practise again. Ask some
            to check understanding.            question for students to repeat. Encourage   students to perform their dialogues for
             ANSWerS                           them to copy the pronunciation and   the class.
            1  boring    2  much fun     3  eating      intonation on the audio. Elicit which   ANSWerS
            4  have fish and chips     5  something   sentence has more stressed words and   Students’ own answers.
            different    6  you’ll enjoy it    elicit why.
                                                ANSWer                              Optional activity: Speaking
             Optional activity: Key phrases    The second question has more stressed   Ask students individually to think of
             Before students practise the dialogue,   words because Louise is surprised, and   something they would like to do at
             play the video or audio again, pausing   we use stress to express surprise.  the weekend. Then put them into pairs
             after the key phrases. Ask students to                                 to discuss their ideas and agree on
             repeat, copying the pronunciation and   exercise 5                     an activity they will both enjoy, using
             intonation that they hear.        Ask two confident students to read out   the key phrases. Monitor and help
                                               the example dialogue. Elicit some other   while students are working. Ask some
             Students’ own answers.            possible responses, e.g. Can’t we go to the   students to perform their dialogues for
                                               park? OK.                            the class.
                                               Students work in pairs and take turns to
            exercise 3                         suggest something and respond. Monitor   Students’ own answers.
            Students work in pairs to practise the   while students are working and give
            dialogue.                          feedback at the end.
                                                                                    More practice
                                                ANSWerS                             Practice Kit  Speaking 2
                                               Students’ own answers.
      T36  Unit 2
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