Page 18 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 18
2 reading • The importance of smell
Reading • The I can identify the main idea in a paragraph.
importance of smell THINK! What smells can you remember from when you were younger? Is there a connection between
smells and memory?
Identify the main idea in a paragraph. Follow your nose …
THINK! Meet three people whose sense of smell has made a difference to their lives.
Read the questions with the class and A Helen Keller – a famous activist – was deaf
elicit answers from individual students. and blind herself. With an extraordinary
Prompt students with more questions, sense of smell, she could identify people’s
jobs by the odour on their clothes. ‘When
if necessary, e.g. What about the smell of a person passes,’ she said, ‘I get a scent
someone’s perfume? What about the smell impression of where he has been.’ For her,
a smell can remind us of another time and
of food cooking? place.
Students’ own answers. B James Bell has worked for a perfume C Journalist Lucy Mangan has been
company for over twenty years. He says, ‘To
anosmic since birth. So she can’t smell
develop a superior sense of smell, you must anything, even the fragrances of roses.
exercise 1 train it, like a concert pianist.’ After passing She has never tried different perfumes in
a ‘smell test’, James studied perfumery in a shop. As 75–95% of the food flavour
Read out the title of the article and explain France, where he learned to recognise comes from its smell, meals haven’t had
that follow your nose is an expression about 2,800 synthetic and 140 natural much flavour. Although she can feel the
meaning to trust your own feelings or materials. Since then he has helped to different textures of lasagne, steak or fish,
create the world’s favourite fragrances.
instincts. Focus on the three headings (A–C) they’re all quite tasteless.
and check that students understand scent.
Point out that students need to understand 1 Read the article. Then complete the headings 3 Find synonyms in the text for the words below.
the general topic of each paragraph, but for paragraphs A–C with the words in the box. 1 incredible 3 artificial
they don’t need to understand every word. distance food memory nose smell 2 identify 4 organic
Students read the article and complete the A Scent and 4 VOCaBULary pLUS Use a dictionary to check
headings with the correct words. Check B Training a the meaning of the words in blue in the text.
answers with the class. C Life without 5 USe IT! Talk about which objects and
2 1.15 Read and listen to the article again and places smell best to you. Which of them bring
ANSWerS write true or false. Correct the false sentences. back memories?
A memory B nose C smell 1 Helen Keller had a good sense of smell. I love the smell of banh xeo. It really reminds
2 She says there’s a connection between me of my grandma’s house. It brings back
exercise 2 e 1.15 smells and memory. memories of visiting her house when I was little.
3 A person with a normal sense of smell can
Allow students time to read through the become a professional perfumer.
sentences, then play the audio. Students 4 James Bell failed his first ‘smell test’ at the
perfume company.
read and listen, then decide if the 5 Lucy could smell everything when she was
sentences are true or false and correct the a baby.
false sentences. Check answers.
20 Sensations
1 true 2 true 3 false (You must start
with a superior sense of smell.) 4 false exercise 4 VOCAbULArY pLUS
(He passed the test.) 5 false (She has Check answers by writing the sentences
been anosmic since birth.) Students use a dictionary to check the on the board. Ask students what they
meaning of the blue words. With stronger notice about the spelling of the words
exercise 3 classes, you could encourage students to extraordinary, odour, scent and flavour.
Students find the synonyms in the article. try to guess the meaning from the context Elicit that they all have an extra letter
With weaker classes, you could help first, then check in a dictionary. Check that that isn’t pronounced. Remind students
students by telling them that the first word students understand all the words. that English spelling is not predictable,
is in paragraph A, and all the others are in ANSWerS and they need to learn the spellings of
paragraph B. Check answers with the class Students’ own answers. difficult words.
and make sure students understand all Workbook page 18 exercise 5
the words. exercise 5 USe IT!
ANSWerS Optional activity: Vocabulary Allow students time to prepare their
1 extraordinary 2 recognise With books closed, dictate the following ideas individually. They then discuss
3 synthetic 4 natural sentences to the class: their ideas and experiences in pairs. Ask
1 She had an extraordinary sense of some students to report back on their
Optional activity: reading smell. discussions.
Put students into pairs and ask them to 2 There was the odour on their clothes.
think of an alternative title for the article. 3 I get a scent impression of where he More practice
Elicit possible titles from students and has been. Workbook page 18
discuss as a class which titles would be Practice Kit Reading 2
best and why. 4 Ninety-five per cent of the food
flavour comes from its smell.
The importance of smell, Different
experiences of smell, Can you smell it?
T32 Unit 2