Page 36 - Friend plus 8 SB_Neat
P. 36

Unit summary                            4      Material world                             CLIL p93                    c
                                                                                                      Language focus reference p102
                                                           Vocabulary • The environment and consumerism
              Vocabulary                                   I can give my opinion on world issues.                                      Recycling one aluminium can saves enough
                                                                                                                                       energy to power a television for three
                                                                                                                                       5        . It takes six weeks to recycle your
              The environment and consumerism:                                                                                         old drink can into parts of a plane, a car or a new
              afford, damage, destroy, develop, pollute,     THINK!  What types of pollution do the photos show? Can you               can!
              produce, protect, provide, recycle, reduce,   think of three more problems in the world today?
              run out of, save, throw away, use, waste  1  Check the meaning of the words in blue in the eco-intellect
                                                     fact file.
              Adjectives: describing objects:                                                                                      d
                                                       1.30   Read the fact file and complete the sentences with
              automatic, digital, ecological, electronic,   2   the words in the box. Then listen and check. Which fact is               We must protect our world.
              hi-tech, home-made, multi-functional,   the most surprising to you?                                                        We’re running out of natural
                                                                                                                                         resources and destroying
              natural, recycled, second-hand, smart,        seventeen £700 100 1993                                                      rainforests. Twenty-four trees   3      1.31   Watch or
              solar, useful, waterproof                   every year hours minutes weeks                                                 make one tonne of newspaper.   listen to four people
                                                                                                                                         A tonne of recycled newspaper   talking about the
                                                                                                                                         saves  6    trees.         environment. Which
              Language focus                                                                                                                                        person is not concerned
                                                                                                                                                                    about the future of our
              Quantifiers                                              .                                                                                            planet? Why? Do you agree?
              Question tags                            Check your eco-intellect!                                                                                    Yana   Mitchell  Paul  Will
                                                    The earTh provides everyThing we need, buT how                              e
                                                      much do you Think abouT iT? develop your
              Speaking                              eco-inTellecT by learning how your acTions can                                    In some parts of the world,   Key pHrases
              I can express my preference when             affecT The world we live in.                                               people can’t afford to buy   Expressing opinions   .
                                                                                                                                                                  I’m worried about
                                                                                                                                      food. In other parts, people
              comparing things.                                                                                                       buy more than they need.    It’s important that we    .
                                                                                                                                      A typical UK family wastes   We need to stop      .
                                                                                                                                      approximately  7            We need to start      .
              Writing                                                                                                                 of food every year.         I’m quite concerned about    .
              I can use to, in order to and so that to                        b    Plastic bags damage the
              explain the purpose of an object.                                     environment and kill marine                                                           Let’s stop throwing so much
                                                                                    animals. They pollute our towns
                                                     a                              and cities. We use each plastic                                                       rubbish away.
                                                                                                                                                                          We need to start recycling things.
                                                                                    bag for an average of only                    f
                                                          The UK produces more than   twelve  4   .
            Vocabulary • The                              rubbish  2   million tonnes of                                                Having a shower instead of a bath   4    Use IT!  Work in groups. Read the quote
                                                                                                                                        reduces the amount of water
                                                                        . On average,
            environment and                              their own weight in rubbish every                                              we waste. A toilet made before   and talk about whether you agree with it or
                                                                                                                                                                    not using the key phrases.
                                                          each person in the UK throws away
                                                                                                                                                 uses 60% more
            consumerism                                  seven  3    .                                                                  water than toilets made since then.  throw something away, it must go somewhere.
                                                                                                                                                                        There is no such thing as ‘away’. When you
             Give your opinion on world issues.                                                                                                                   Finished?
                                                                                                                                                                 Discuss three things that your school can do to
                                                                                                                                                                 reduce waste. What three things can you do at home?
            Focus on the photos and ask: What types of
            pollution do they show? Elicit a few ideas. If   38                                                                                                                                 39
            students are struggling for ideas, focus on
            one of the photos and ask more questions,
            e.g. focus on the children wearing   ANSWerS                            Optional activity: Vocabulary
            masks and ask: Where are they? Why are   Students’ own answers.         Give a few examples of opinions using
            they wearing masks? Elicit the idea of air   exercise 2  e 1.30         the verbs in the fact file, e.g. I think
            pollution and write this on the board.  Focus on the words in the box and check   people shouldn’t throw away their old
            Put students into pairs to discuss the   that students understand all the words.   clothes. They should recycle them. I think
            questions and think of three more   Students read the fact file again and   everyone should try to use less water.
            problems. Ask some students to tell the   complete the sentences with the correct   Put students into pairs to write three
            class their ideas, and discuss the answers   words and phrases. Allow students time to   opinions about the environment using
            as a class. Encourage students to give   compare their answers in pairs, then play   the verbs in the fact file. Monitor and
            detailed answers. Ask more questions,   the audio for students to listen and check   help while they are working.
            if necessary to prompt them, e.g. Why is   their answers.
            pollution of the seas a problem? Who is it a                            Put pairs together into groups of four
            problem for? How does it affect people? Is   Check answers with the class and ask:   to compare their sentences and decide
            there pollution in your town or city?  Which fact is the most surprising to you?   which ones they all agree with.
                                               Why? Elicit a range of answers from   Ask groups in turn to read out the
             ANSWerS                           individual students.                 sentences they all agree with.
            Students’ own answers.
                                                ANSWerS                             ANSWerS
            exercise 1                         1  100                               Students’ own answers.
            Students read the fact file quickly and   2  every year
            check the meaning of the blue words.   3  weeks
            They can use their dictionaries to help.   4  minutes
            Check that students understand all the   5  hours
            verbs. Model the pronunciation of verbs   6  seventeen
            your students might find difficult, e.g.   7  £700
            damage, recycle.                   8  1993
                                               Students’ own answers.

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