Page 123 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 123


        Ф     Listen  to а Ьоу called  Оwеп talking about а    1   Put the words  in оrdеr  to make  questions.
        !D 1
              picture  of his family.  Listen and write the соrrесt
              letter beside each  паmе.                            1 kind  / рrоgrаmmеs  /  TV  /  tike  /  you  /  do  /  what  /
              Nоrа                   Со[iп                         2 magazines/  tike  /  do  /  which  /  reading  l уоu l  ?
              АЬЬу                   Lity                          З activities  l  do l  after  lwhat  /  you  do  /  school/  ?
              Rob                    Liam                          4 which  /  home  /  live  /  mеmЬеrs  l  al  lyou l
              Grасе                  tr,]ax                          family/withl?
              Rya п
                                                                   ln pairs, ask and  answer  the questions.  Take
                                                                   turns to speak.
                                                                   Неrе аrе some pictures  of different  school  trip
                                                               g   activities.  Do  уоч  like these activities?  Say
                                                                   why or why not. Ta[k about the activities  with
                                                                   your partner.

              Which  реrsоп  is Оwеп?

              Fоr each  question,  write the correct апswеr iп
           Ф  each  gap.  Write  ONE word in each gap.

              Dear  Dаl,эg
              u  о  !-зс,,i,.,                                 3lп   pairs,  ask and  answer  these  questions
                  , ,'Y,,i,],,'l,:,  __  0 qre&L  t;ле  6,1 ,u  il
             ':hоаl  U-р hехе й Sршл.   ,J..  t'!              от"   ke turns to speak.
               ],  -,, -,_-   ПеМ  kLепd-. 5hе'э  sLацйg           Do you think  ...
             "          sамо  ас|ьчф  ccnLre  ,,r,a_ _:,.
             -1-5 mF  '     иаIпр  ,э      'iii  :=j-:.,ji  :j:j:]!  going  to museums  is Ьоriпg?
                                            .i:=  .-iij;:;;
              , ,  ,
             :,-r а, эhе  с,a)пе5  '  Nata_Lga                       visiting  theme parks  is expensive?
             :nl,                 *"'i.T.                            going саmрiпg is fun?
                 ^"  цf,*'ot**                                       visiting  а castle  is interesting?
             'еsФrdац_mоrпйq,   ',,.,.,,,,,,,,.,,.,
                           ые  ыепL  to  vlstL  *
                                                                     going оп а nature wa[k  is exciting?
             '' -\se)lm.  1Ъеrе  ыеrе  lлLэ  |,
             .rу tпl:еrеstлпq  thжgs  rДu".                        Which  schooltrip activities  do you tike best?
            :zo-  gаu  ЭООП.
                                                               Ф   lп pairs,  talk about school trips. Take turns
                                                               Ф   aospeak.
                                                                     Which  is mоrе fun, learning  in а
                                                                    classroom or [earning  оп а schooI  trip?

                                                                               What  school trips  wou[d you  [ike
                                                                               to do in the future?
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