Page 119 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 119
&dvg*,Ьg Bf dеgrсе Listen again. Who do you think is talking? Write
Sammy, Sally or Harry next to the sentences.
1 Look at the in the article and match them 1 l live with опе of mу grandparents.
2 l have to travel quite а [ong wау to see mу dad.
Ф to the meanings. 3 Му sister is getting married soon.
1 Which one means'чеrу much'? 4 ldon'tspend а lotof timewith mycousins.
2 Which one means'very close to'? 5 Му brother and l s[eep in the same rооm.
3 Which опе mеапs'not comptetely'? 6 There аrе two families in my hоmе.
4 Which опе means'100% true'?
5 Which опе means'mауЬе'?
a l I & }
2 Complete each sentence with а different adverb в
from Exercise 1.
1 Satty's mу best friend. l like hеr.
2 In mу fami[y, we a[l eat dinner together
еvеrу night.
З l'm not sure about this со[оur. lt's пiсе,
l suppose.
4 l don't know if Grace is coming to the party, but
Tim is. l know that for sure.
5 'What's the time?''|'m not sure but it's
about 2 o'clock,'
Work in pairs. Write three true and three false
sentences about your family using the adverbs in
Exercise 1. Take turns to read your sentences and S.tlly
guess which are true and which are fa[se. fi*hri*liп;
j"t,yl;rcijlel,) l-c:o!l,,l r,-,' ,. ,, t, . ,, - _, :}riviл:| ct, l live with
раrепts iп а thrее-
ii:tl i;lr;r:l:lз|, bedroom house. l'm the only child in the
family - l haven't got апу broihers or sisters
Му grandtather lives us as well -
he's in the rооm next mine. He's
78, and he tells lots of interesting stories,
|'ve also got four cousins, and l love seeing
Listen to three young people talking about who too. Тhеу'rе bit older
they live with. Match the speakers to the pictures than mе, and they don't look like me. l'm
of families А-С. quite tall апd l've got dаrk hair, lэut they're
short апd they've got fair hair.
write sооп апd teil mе ail about 5
q q
tAMltlES l19