Page 122 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 122
f Write а word to link each group of words. 1 Read the rules about entering the talent show.
Complete the words for the groups. Complete Emma's emailto Lauren with the words and
0 аuпt cousin перhеw пiесе phrases in the Ьох.
f q fi...l...{. у сап can't don't have to have to хз
1 study pass fait teach
2 dапсе music friends fu п
d о ýýж&W
З headline рhоtоgгарhs w&fuжжý'
articles advertisernent
mzie Rчýеs fоr еmtеriпg
4 сhаппеl геmоtе control ffi'4оrочеr
the news рrogrаmmе ffiЖ possible but only up to fiче people
tЁi п
5 wiппеr реrfоrmеr prize WWW,ýf 10perperson
ta[ent show -*
ср п
2 Put the words in order to make questions.
Then complete the answers with adverbs.
1 сап / dance / welt / уоu l ? ;а,., !J qrt
No, l dance
2 easily l you new / do / things l lеаrп l ?
No, l have to wоrk vеrу _,,,,...,,....,,...,,.,,,,..,,,,,,,
3 a[ways l you l school / speak/ da l at l
quietly / ? l've got sоm* iп{*rmаti*п about th* ta!*nt
Nо, sometimes l speak show. Y*u Ье 14 *r оv*r t0 ёпt*r,
3 Comp[ete the sentences with the words in Ьýе а *пtег аý а ýrоuр, i:ui the gr*up
the Ьох. have more than fir;e p**ple iп it, if wе
тrапt to *nt*1 v;* рау t1* eaeh, апd
а[ьum cartoons fan wе 5 fill in а f*riт olr ihe wсЬs!i*. i.,VE
reviews star the final рау yet; ч.,i* сап wait untii th* *пd *t
1 The fiim got good iл the July. Р,;1*1 dп у*u tlliftk? ýha!i bv* сlо it?
п ewspa ре rý,
2 l iove Ed Shееrап's first . His 2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
music's rеа[[у good"
З Му tittte Ьrоthеr watches оп TV Ф r Не drives very g oad l wetl.
when he gets home fгоm school. 2 The weather there was very good well.
4 lt's of the talent show tonight. 3 Shol/ l Сап you come to mу house at 7 рm?
Then we'[l kпоw the паmе of the wiппеr] ffi Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
5 Му favourite film is Jennifer
Lаwrепсе, 4 Why not to see а film?
6 l'm а big of rock music. { tove itl 5 You don't Ьriпg anything except уоur clothes and уоur
6 Why not trying phoning hеr later.
7 Lets choose some more photographs for the magazine.
REvlEW 5