Page 124 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 124

ншRА            AGTlvlTlEý

                         w&8еýЁýLежY  ýж& жý&ýlжý,                            ýж&жж&ж,  р&&ж ?ý
                         р&&ý  &ý

                                                                 3   Write true sentences with super[atives.  Use the
                                                                    ideas  below or your оwп ideas.
                                                                    1-ke по:;t  {спr:us  р{  i,i|,i,,,,ij;,с],l:,1,   ;(  li)Ё
                                                                    р;  esiclci;  t.
                                                                                         эЙооL   эuЬjеоL
                                                                       gооd"                 и mU  сrИПtrU
                   моrе    yes  than Nо answers.                        oll          Dorron           t

                   You are careful  with your  mопеу  and want        рорuИr         сDmриt€r  9^mо     рИg
                   to buy things  for а good price.  You usually                           эИоч-l  оп  TV
                   think and look  Ьеfоrе you buy.                                     pl,aro  И mU  сDцпtrU
                   More Nо than Yes answers.
                   You love clothes and  shopping,  and  you     Compare your answers  with а partner.
                   like spending  mопеу. You don't always
                   think  Ьеfоrе you buy and you spend  а bit
                   too much  sometimes.                                        &ж&жж&,ж,  ре&ý ý&?

                                                                 Т   ln sma[[  grочрs,  рlап  а class magazine.

         tr::тYIт*:ý                                                Think  about  the questions.
                ], j,
         ý-], ,
         fr:;;;*;*    .j  ржýр&жж YФ W&ýYý}  р&&ý  &ý               What  wou[d you [ike:
                                                                           class  magazine  to Ье ca[[ed?
                                                                     .  to include in  уоur  c[ass  magazine?
            We[[,  l found  а great  jacket  on the internet.  lt was black
            and it had а really соо[ design  оп the back, You can't  Do you  want  it to Ье а  рареr  magazine  оr an
            рау  in cash of course, so my mum  paid for it with  hеr  on[ine  one?
            credit card.  After that, we waited  and waited but it   ls the magazine  going to Ье weekly,  month[y,
            didn't come. After two weeks  l emailed  the соmрапу,
            but they didn't  апswеr.  Тhеп, six days [ater,  it finatty  tеrm[у  оr  уеаr[у?
            arrived,  But the  jacket  was the wrопg size. lt was too
            sma[[ олd it was b[ue.  l returned  it and asked them to               Suggest os mопу ideos os
            send  me the right one, but they emailed  me to say they  ýtep I       you сOп in  уочr  grочр  fоr
            didn't  have one in mу size in b[ack.  And my mum  is sti[[
            waiting  for them  to return hеr money.                                уоur  closs mogozine.
                                                                                            Why don't we ... ?

                                                                               Sha[l  we ... ?

                                                                    ýtep 2         choose the five best ideos
                                                                                   to shоrе  with  the closs.
                                                                                   ъll thе closs.

                                                                                   As о closs, discuss  ond
                                                                                   choose  thе best thrее ideos.
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