Page 121 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 121


                                                                 Listen to Karl  talking  to Martha. What  does Maftha  do?
                                                                 а She telts Каrt hеr  рrоЬ[еms.
                                                                 Ь She listens to Каrl and  tries to help him.
                                                                 с She ca[[s А[ех.
                                                          э+*    Listen again and  answer  the questions.

                                                                 1 Ноw do you kпоw rvhere Каrl and hJаrthа  аrе?
                                                                 2 \/jhy  is Kart feeling sai?
                                                                 3 What did Karl do immediate|y  after  the argument?
                                                                 4 According  to fulartha,  what  Со good friends  do?
                                                                 5 Dces  Martha think Karlshould callAlex  that  day?
        Е                                                        6 Whеп  does  Martha  telL  Каrl  to send  а message7

         Зооd fricnds  usually  sharc  intercsts  and  {ikc  ais
                                                            t= тдLкll{G  POlilTý
         эоiпg thc samc  things. Thcy  havc  fun togethcr     {t
         :Jt they hclp cach  othcr  in difficult  timcs,         Who  do you  tatk to when you пееd help and
                                                                 support?  А friend?  А fami[y mеmЬеr?  А teacher?
         .эо. Fоr cxamplc,  whеп  sоmсопс  gcts  а bad
         Tark in an cxam,  does not gct  оп thc football
         _zam  оr fccls  sad or аlопс, а good  fricnd triсs      Now  listen again and  match the two halves of the
         .э understand  the situation  and offcrs help.   t49   ё  Sentences.
          .'эur  friend  is sad and  you  don't  know what  tr
         .э do. МауЬе you  сап cal] them, visit thcm оr     \у    UýЕFUL  LдI{GUАGЕ
         ..ake  thcm а card. when а friend  is worried        .,ii:f  1 Why don't  уоu "..   а wait  until tоmоrrоw,

         :эоut ап ехаm, you сап hclp  thcm study.  lf            2 l think  уош  should ,,.  Ь wоrrу.
          эur friend docsn't  gct оп the football  tcam,         З Youshouldn't...  с towait,
          , эu сап practisc  togethcr  after  school,            4 it's a good  idea  ,  ",   d send  him a messaoдz
         ]zmembc1   а good  friend  listens carefully  and
         .  ves advice  whcn possible.  So, listcning  to
         :eoplc  апd  putting  yourself  in thcir  shoes
          zlps make,  and kecp, friends.                                                   А helpful

                                                                     lп small  groups,  choose  problem  А оr В below.
                                                                    Talk together  and think  of some advice and
                                                                    write ideas in your notebook.  Use expressions
               lt's important  to havc  fricnds to help you, but    from Exercise  7.
               it's a]so  neccssary  to know how to Ье alone  l        Drаw  а picture  of the situation  you chose.
              and to Ье sure  of yourself.  Don't  forget,  thc        Make  а poster with your  advice  and а picture.
               longcst friendship  iп your llfc is wrth yourself!  l   Рrеýепt  your  poster  to апоthеr  grаuр  or to the

                                                                            l have  по idea  what to do. Му best
                                                                           friend  always says  bad things about
                                                                            our friend Jack whеп  he isn't  with us
                                                                      what should  l do?

                                                                          Му friend Аппа is very sad these days.
                                                                          She spends  her weekends  аlопе  and
     n                                                                    doesn't  want to go out. l'm worried
                                                                      about her. How  сап l help her?

                                                                                  BEltG А GOOD tпlЕшll      l21

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